If you find yourself at the corner of 30th and Gunn Streets in North Park on a Sunday morning, you are likely to hear the unmistakable sound of joy. The […]
My heart is heavy with the news of the devastating fires sweeping across Los Angeles. The destruction is unimaginable, and my prayers are with every person affected. As a bishop, […]
When I first learned about Neighbors 4 Neighbors in Palm Desert, I recognized it is an example of one of my most deeply held Episcopal pillars–living out my faith through […]
There is this wonderful Gospel hymn, “Jesus, the Light of the World”, which takes the text from Hark the Herald Angels Sing and adds a response, Jesus the Light of […]
At baptism, we are all invited into a shared ministry of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world. Some areas of ministry require greater care. Eucharistic Visitors, […]
In the heart of Chula Vista, at St. John’s Episcopal Church, a beautiful collaboration unfolded in celebration of Earth Day called “Sow and Grow.” Twelve spirited 10th and 11th graders […]
In January, San Diego experienced a winter storm that dropped more than three inches of rain across the county in just a few hours. For some parts of the country, […]
In the spirit of fostering courage and love, EDSD is proud to announce the availability of grants through the Courageous Love Campaign. These grants, made possible by the generosity of […]
Under Bishop Susan Brown Snook’s leadership, EDSD has made a significant effort to advance the understanding of how congregations can use their real estate assets to support mission-related projects. For […]
For me, there is a sadness, a frustration, and mixed joy when helping those along the border. Scriptures call us all to service, and people from throughout the Episcopal Diocese […]