At our 51st Diocesan Convention, Bishop Susan said, “We are to be salt and yeast to the world. Ingredients that, if you add just a tiny amount, it changes the […]
As the holiday season unfolds around us, with twinkling lights, joyous carols, and bustling festivities, many of us carry a quieter reality. For some, the holidays can feel like a […]
Jesus asks us to become like children, but how do we do that? Over a warm July weekend at St. Bartholomew’s in Poway, a group of children’s formation leaders and […]
There is this wonderful Gospel hymn, “Jesus, the Light of the World”, which takes the text from Hark the Herald Angels Sing and adds a response, Jesus the Light of […]
St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in El Cajon, in collaboration with the First Presbyterian Church of El Cajon, received certificates from Supervisor Joel Anderson in recognition of their joint Vacation Bible […]
When we love something, we share it with our friends and family; like a new show on Netflix or a great restaurant in the neighborhood, we can’t help but share […]
Is “Invite a Friend to Church” an actual season on the Church calendar? No, but Bishop Susan is inviting all our congregations to participate in a month-long season of inviting […]
Every year, we begin the Education for Ministry year with our mentor asking us why we enrolled in EfM, and there are many different answers. Some people have said they […]
When I started EfM seven years ago, I wanted to know more about the Bible—specifically, the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. I had been involved in many Bible studies over the years, […]
Beloved Members of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, Every time I learn of another shooting, my heart is filled with sorrow, reflecting a grief that we, as a community […]