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July 23, 2024 | by Chris Tumilty

My mother was ordained an Episcopal priest on January 15, 1994, at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Beverly Hills. I was ten years old, and her being ordained wasn’t odd […]

July 16, 2024 | by Hanh Tran

In December 2023, I received a letter from Julia Ayala Harris, President of the House of Deputies, saying, “I have reviewed your application and, after prayerful discernment, invite you to […]

July 16, 2024 | by Chris Tumilty

When we love something, we share it with our friends and family; like a new show on Netflix or a great restaurant in the neighborhood, we can’t help but share […]

July 9, 2024 | by Jeff Martinhauk

I was fortunate enough to be a deputy to our General Convention in Kentucky the last week in June. This was my first General Convention. For those who may not […]

July 2, 2024 | by Mary Lynn Coulson

As a first-time deputy to the General Convention, the months leading up to the event felt so overwhelming. There was too much to learn, too much to read – so […]

July 2, 2024 | by Susan Brown Snook

General Convention 2024 didn’t bring a revolution like some of our conventions have done in the past. For instance, nearly 50 years ago, the General Convention approved the ordination of […]

June 25, 2024 | by Susan Brown Snook

The Episcopal Church’s giant family reunion has started! General Convention usually happens every three years, but because 2021 was a pandemic year, the last convention was in summer of 2022. […]

June 25, 2024 | by Polly Getz

In 1994, a pillar of our diocese, Barbara Bright, asked me if I would consider running for Deputy to General Convention. After she finished trying to scare me out of […]

June 18, 2024 | by Mary Lonsdale Baker

Every year, we begin the Education for Ministry year with our mentor asking us why we enrolled in EfM, and there are many different answers.  Some people have said they […]

June 18, 2024 | by Gwynn Lynch

Bread and Roses As we go marching, marching We bring the greater days For the rising of the women Means the rising of the race No more the drudge and […]

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