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Episcopalians strive to live by one story above all others: the Good News of God’s eternal love for us, as revealed in the Bible. This Good News is seen most clearly in the life, death, and resurrection of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit’s promise of eternal and abundant life in Christ.

We are called to love one another because God loves us. Because of Jesus, we are able to learn how to live transformed lives. As we experience transformation, the love God gives us allows us to work toward the transformation of the world.

We believe that God’s ultimate vision for the world is for it to become a place of healing, wholeness, and peace—a Beloved Community. God’s love will ultimately bring peace to our world.

We all live according to the messages we share with each other, holding sacred those messages that both guide our greater purpose and facilitate connection with our neighbor. Every aspect of our lives is informed by the stories we’ve been given, the stories we’ve been taught, and the stories we’ve picked up along the way. These narratives affect our decisions, our choices, and – ultimately – our character. Episcopalians strive to live by one story above all others: the Good News of God’s eternal love for us, as revealed in the Bible. This Good News is seen most clearly in the life, death, and resurrection of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit’s promise of eternal and abundant life in Christ.

We are called to love one another because God loves us. In discipleship to Christ we are able to learn how to live transformed lives. As we experience transformation, the love He gives us allows us to work toward the transformation of the world

We believe that God’s ultimate vision for the world is for it to become a place of healing, wholeness, and peace; a Beloved Community. God’s love is the defining narrative that will ultimately bring shalom to our world.


Episcopal Worship is rooted in the acknowledgement of God’s love for all of creation.

We gather to recognize God’s love for the world, and God’s loving existence within all living things. Episcopalians participate in seven traditional practices that give us opportunities to experience and participate in God’s presence together, called sacraments.These practices are always done in community, bringing us together, as the Body of Christ.

The sacraments make use of normal, everyday things such as bread, wine, and water to help tell the story of God’s love within all that exists, and to give us an opportunity to experience God’s presence with us as we worship.


We believe that science and faith go hand in hand. The mysteries of faith and divinity emphasize the limits of our own humanity. We lean into that great wonder–the mystery of God. We look to our creator, our redeemer that was born to bring divine love through human wrappings for guidance. This can be seen in the depth of liturgy, prayer, and service practiced throughout the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego.

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