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Courageous Love Campaign Grants for Transforming Communities 

In the spirit of fostering courage and love, EDSD is proud to announce the availability of grants through the Courageous Love Campaign. These grants, made possible by the generosity of donors, will play a pivotal role in realizing the EDSD’s strategic plan to strengthen congregations, serve communities, and nurture church growth. The campaign aligns with the diocese’s mission to equip Episcopalians to share God’s love and Christ’s Good News with those who may not be familiar with His teachings. 

The Courageous Love Campaign grants, available throughout the year, prioritize projects that align with the EDSD’s strategic plan. These grants aim to boost congregational membership and average weekly attendance, engage in congregational discipleship programs, organize events that welcome non-congregational participants, start worship services reaching new populations, improve outreach practices, and underwrite community events. Additionally, efforts to expand the reach of the Episcopal church by establishing missional expressions among military, college students, and other communities will receive special attention. 

Prospective applicants are required to complete a comprehensive application process. To be eligible, applicants must: 

  1. Define their evangelism project. 
  2. Demonstrate how community demographics have influenced the project. 
  3. Describe previous efforts and experience related to the proposed project. 
  4. Explain the metrics and methods for gauging project effectiveness. 
  5. Demonstrate how the congregation will actively contribute to the project. 
  6. Provide a detailed project budget. 
  7. Describe how the project will be sustained beyond the grant period. 

To ensure the alignment of proposed projects with the overarching purpose, a congregation’s vestry or bishop’s committee must approve a project before the request undergoes review. The bishop’s office and executive council will evaluate the application after submission. A bishop’s staff or executive council member may contact the applicant for clarifications if necessary. Once a decision is reached, the applicant will be promptly informed. Grant recipients will be expected to provide periodic updates to the bishop and executive council and contribute to an article for the diocesan news after the completion of the grant. 

The Courageous Love Campaign grants represent an opportunity for EDSD congregations to bring transformative change to their communities. Through intentional evangelism efforts and community engagement, these grants provide a pathway for congregations to fulfill the great commission of Jesus and contribute to the growth of the Episcopal Church. The Courageous Love Campaign is a testament to the collective commitment of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego to spread love, hope, and the teachings of Christ to all. 

To learn more and apply, visit https://edsd.org/evangelism/

For any inquiries or assistance, prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Jason Evans, Canon for Mission, at jevans@edsd.org.


Category: #Communications, #Service, #Stewardship

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