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Creation Care

The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it, the world and all who dwell therein. Psalm 24:1

“The accounts of God’s creation in Genesis 1 and 2 depict the outpouring of God’s love, which resulted in a wondrous creation that God called “very good,” teeming with diverse and interdependent life. The first human was placed in the garden “to till it and keep it” (Genesis 2:15). Yet we humans have overused the riches of creation, jeopardizing the future of humanity and the Earth itself. I urge Episcopalians in our diocese to act for the restoration of God’s beloved creation.” – Bishop Susan

If you are interested in joining Season of Creation events hosted at churches throughout the diocese, click here

If you are interested in learning more about EDSD’s Creation Care Community, read Tending and Keeping: A Guide for Local Creation Care Ministries.

If you would like to support EDSD’s creation care efforts, click the link below:

Actions & Resources for Individuals, Ministries, and Churches to Care for Creation

Prayer & Worship:

Pray daily for our common home and all its inhabitants. Prayers from Home for our Common Home: A Selection. Consider using one of the three forms of the Prayers of the People Honoring God in Creation, created by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music. These prayers conform to the rubrics for the Prayers of the People in the Book of Common Prayer. The same resource contains several other liturgical resources for Creation Care.

Engage Families:

Spend time in nature with this walking guide for all ages; and family resource. Engage children and youth in creation care here.

Adopt New Practices:

Consider your transportation choices here; and carbon offsets here. Divestment resources from fossil fuels here. Complete TEC Carbon Tracker* here. Green your home here. Take the Episcopal Creation Care* Pledge here.

Renewable Energy:

Explore converting your church and home to solar power. You can find resources for our diocesan solar power program here.


Study creation care through books and films Creation Care Books and Films. Learn about environmental racism*, eco-justice* and environmental justice* here. Familiarize yourself with creation care terminology here.


Ensure you are registered to vote here. Join and volunteer with organizations such as the Environmental Voter Project–a nonpartisan nonprofit that gets non-voting environmentalists to the polls or Interfaith Coalition for Environmental Justice civic advocacy. Stand with vulnerable communities experiencing climate disruption here.

For more information or support, contact the EDSD Creation Care Task Force. 

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