If you have had the opportunity of having a deacon assigned to your Church, you may be familiar with the job of a deacon. If you are unfamiliar with a […]
At first, I couldn’t find the storage room next to baggage claim six. I’ve never had to find a storage room at an airport before. I saw travelers, families, and […]
One of the provocative and sometimes dangerous things about being a deacon is that our servant ministry allows us to travel beyond church walls and into the places where longing, […]
Deacons are ordained ministers of the church, dedicated to a special ministry of servanthood. According to the Book of Common Prayer’s Ordination service for Deacons, deacons make Christ and his […]
For me, it began with ‘Beanie Bundles’ for field workers in Imperial Valley. At the gathering of deacons last Fall, we dedicated ourselves to serving the needs of the farm […]
Three years ago, the world was shocked when churches, schools, and most other public spaces in our country were closed indefinitely because of a pandemic that most of us thought […]
There is a nice breeze that gently blows through the downstairs window at the Diocesan Offices, but there is also a pillar made of jagged and pock-marked cinder blocks, symbols […]
Although not a part of this year’s Lectionary readings, I find it difficult to go through Advent without thinking about Mary’s visit from the Angel Gabriel and Mary and Elizabeth’s […]
Most everyone in the San Diego area knows the Marine Corps motto: “Semper Fi,” always faithful. Some know the Coast Guard motto: “Semper Paratus,” always prepared. From my experience as […]