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Category: Deacons
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July 9, 2024 | by Daniel McMillan

At first, I couldn’t find the storage room next to baggage claim six. I’ve never had to find a storage room at an airport before. I saw travelers, families, and […]

January 23, 2024 | by Cindy Campos

To say this was a labor of love – absolutely. Seeing the love of those receiving and the deacon’s love for doing Christ’s work in the world is at the […]

January 9, 2024 | by Daniel McMillan

One of the provocative and sometimes dangerous things about being a deacon is that our servant ministry allows us to travel beyond church walls and into the places where longing, […]

September 12, 2023 | by Cindy Campos

Deacons are ordained ministers of the church, dedicated to a special ministry of servanthood. According to the Book of Common Prayer’s Ordination service for Deacons, deacons make Christ and his […]

September 5, 2023 | by Cindy Campos

For me, it began with ‘Beanie Bundles’ for field workers in Imperial Valley. At the gathering of deacons last Fall, we dedicated ourselves to serving the needs of the farm […]

May 16, 2023 | by Susan Brown Snook

Three years ago, the world was shocked when churches, schools, and most other public spaces in our country were closed indefinitely because of a pandemic that most of us thought […]

February 7, 2023 | by Daniel McMillan

There is a nice breeze that gently blows through the downstairs window at the Diocesan Offices, but there is also a pillar made of jagged and pock-marked cinder blocks, symbols […]

December 19, 2022 | by Cindy Campos

Although not a part of this year’s Lectionary readings, I find it difficult to go through Advent without thinking about Mary’s visit from the Angel Gabriel and  Mary and Elizabeth’s […]

November 22, 2022 | by Bob Nelson

Most everyone in the San Diego area knows the Marine Corps motto: “Semper Fi,” always faithful. Some know the Coast Guard motto: “Semper Paratus,” always prepared. From my experience as […]

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