A country the size of Maine has welcomed more Syrian refugees than any other country in the world: 1.4 million since March 2011, when ISIS seized power and began its […]
Visit a tutoring session for refugee children from 3:15 – 5.15 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday; join us on a Thursday morning, bagging fresh produce for distribution to the […]
The gift of education is the best thing to give refugees on the path to becoming self-sufficient, productive citizens. Volunteers who connect with a child or adult can literally change […]
Kadora Khalek Morgan recently passed her citizenship test. She is grateful for the friendship and support of RefugeeNet, and she hopes that her children may be able to join her […]
In a Sunday school classroom at St. Alban’s, El Cajon, a group of refugee women gather for a conversational English class called Table Talk. Refugees from Iraq, these women range […]
Please send funds directly to Camp Stevens either via donation on their website (select Refugee Campership in the dropdown menu) or via check made out to “Camp Stevens” with “Refugee […]