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Bishop Announces Refugee Campership Drive

Please send funds directly to Camp Stevens either via donation on their website (select Refugee Campership in the dropdown menu) or via check made out to “Camp Stevens” with “Refugee Campership” in the memo line and mailed to: 1108 Banner Road, Julian, CA 92036. 

For the last eleven years, children from refugee families in San Diego have enjoyed the adventure of summer camp at Camp Stevens, thanks to your generosity. Please join me and congregations around the diocese to ensure the same will be true this summer!

Camp Stevens’ staff, the chaplains, and the natural environment all encourage exploration, and help campers learn about themselves, one another, and God’s abundant creation in the company of peers and caring adults. Through this exploration transformation occurs, friendships are made, God’s love is shared, and perspectives are widened.

With your help, over 40 refugee youth will experience a week of adventure and fun in the mountains this summer. Please support this vital ministry and help to raise awareness and the $40,000 needed to send refugee children to summer camp!

Join the Diocese of San Diego Refugee Campership ingathering this June to support this important partnership! On either Sunday, June 16 or 23 (before and after World Refugee Day on June 20th), whichever is more convenient for your congregation, our diocese will collect the loose plate offering for the RefugeeNet-Camp Stevens Campership Drive. Some churches choose to match parishioner gifts and/or give in addition. Please be generous!

Your congregation’s support of the RefugeeNet Campership Drive will provide the following:

In Summary
What: Diocese of San Diego Refugee Campership Drive 2018
When: June 16 or 23 (please select the most convenient date)
How Much: $5,000 to equip campers, $40,000 for camp experience, for a total of $45,000
Why: To provide supplies and a camp experience for 40 refugee children and to support the important partnership between Episcopal organizations in our area: RefugeeNet and Camp Stevens
How: Host an ingathering; find volunteers to organize your congregation’s efforts; recruit a matching donor; and publicize this event and the opportunity for children in your congregation to attend Camp Stevens. Registration materials for camp was sent previously by mail or you can request additional materials from Kathy Wilder

Please send funds directly to Camp Stevens either via donation on their website (select Refugee Campership in the dropdown menu) or via check made out to “Camp Stevens” with “Refugee Campership” in the memo line and mailed to: 1108 Banner Road, Julian, CA 92036. 

Thank you for your ministry in the Diocese of San Diego and beyond, and for partnering in this important project, which ministers to and with children in our midst. We expect them to be part of our leadership teams in years to come – and some of them already are!


Sample bulletin or e-newsletter blurb

June 16, join to provide refugee children with a week of personal transformation and growth in the natural beauty of God’s creation. Your gift in today’s offering plate will provide summer camp tuition to Camp Stevens for 40 refugee children to experience a week of exploration, friendship, and God’s love surrounded by nature. It will also help RefugeeNet provide each camper with a duffel bag, flashlight, bathing suit, underwear and socks, toiletries, and a water bottle. Our goal is to raise $45,000 in collaboration with congregations in San Diego. Your gift will change lives, and it will help to form future generations of leaders!


Category: #Bishop's Blog, #Communications, #Outreach, #Sundays, #Youth, Children, & Families

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