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Caminar en la Luz

There is this wonderful Gospel hymn, “Jesus, the Light of the World”, which takes the text from Hark the Herald Angels Sing and adds a response, Jesus the Light of the World, after each stanza. It also adds a chorus:

We’ll walk in the light, beautiful light.

Come where the dewdrops of mercy shine bright.

O, shine all around us by day and by night.

Jesus, the light of the world.

The chorus is my favorite part and ran through my head each day of the recent youth trip to Tijuana which was similarly titled “Caminar en la luz.” This year’s trip was a partnership between our diocese and the Anglican Diocese of Oxidente and included participants from San Diego, Tijuana, and Hermosillo, Mexico. The week included time for worship, cultural experiences, games, and so much more.

One of the highlights was the work they did side by side preparing Comunidad de Luz, a shelter for migrant women and children, to receive its first occupants. They spackled walls in dormitory rooms, sanded and prepared the stairwell for paint, and painted the dining hall and kitchen walls and ceiling. Some paint may also have ended up on all of us!

The work together was filled with joy. We played music, laughed with one another, and began to build bridges of understanding where a lack of shared language separated us. At the end of the week, we painted our hands and pressed them on the wall in one of the dormitory rooms. As our pressed handprints created a heart on the wall, it reminded me of the love we poured into our work – love for friends who came with us on the trip, love for friends we made as we served together, and love for the people who would soon call this place home.

I could tell countless stories about our time together, but I would rather let you hear them from the students themselves. Below are pictures and reflections from the members of our delegation.

Samuel – St. Luke’s

Making new friends was very important to me. I was shy the first few days, but by the end all the kids were my compás. I can’t wait to see them in the future. 

Sofia – St. Bartholomew’s 

This trip has been a great learning experience. Although we do not all speak the same language, we were able to connect over games and laughter. The people and the culture of Tijuana and Mexico are so vibrant. I loved my time there and I learned so much. The friends we made are friends that I will keep forever. These memories are priceless.

Andrew – St. Dunstan’s 

This Tijuana trip has been one of the most memorable and impactful trips that I have participated in. On the trip I met so many new and interesting people, despite not speaking spanish very well. We could still communicate and work together. I am grateful fro the experience and look forward to going back soon!

Greyson – Christ Church

I really enjoyed getting to explore another culture, walking around the markets and going down by the border. I also liked getting to meet new people from all different places and dealing with the challenges that a language barrier brought together. I also enjoyed the food and my bed was mad comfy too.

Matthew – St. Luke’s

Being here for over a week made me realize that not sharing a common language but coming together to reach a common goal can make the difference. I enjoyed church and am grateful for the new people I met and the opportunity to take a nap each day.

Oumnia – St. Luke’s

This trip was amazing. I’m so glad I got to see this beautiful city and all the lovely people in it. Casa de Hodeni was such a beautiful place to stay. I loved getting to see the sunsets from the roof and meeting the kids who lived there. Overall I’m so grateful that I got to go on the trip and see the colorful and beautiful places that are in TJ. Thanks to Charlette for giving us this opportunity.

Maggie – Holy Cross

My journey to Tijuana was such a blessing in so many ways! I stayed in an orphanage with youth from several other youth groups from Mexico, and together, we formed connections I’ll never forget, both with each other and the kids who lived in the orphanage. We shared meals, laughed over card games, and explored the city. Together, we worked to paint and prepare a space to become a beautiful, welcoming shelter for migrant women and children. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to connect with others, practice my Spanish, and do important work. I hope to return to Tijuana someday to continue these journeys! 

The Reverend Nina Bacas – Rector, St. Bartholomew’s

Throughout our trip, I was amazed at how everyone, of all ages, made accommodations for each other. Through this mutuality, we overcame linguistic, cultural, and even worship style differences to find common ground. Once there, sweet and lasting relationships were formed.  It was a beautiful experience to witness and participate in!

Robert Vivar – EDSD Migration Missioner

You don’t need to speak a foreign language to make friends with someone from another country! Courageous Love is all you need. Just look to one of our Episcopal youth as an example.

The people and experiences of this trip run through my memories daily, often accompanied by the tune of the song above – a reminder that no matter the distance and obstacles that divide us, there are so many other things that draw us together. 

O, shine all around us by day and by night.

Jesus, the light of the world.

To support youth ministry and experiences like this in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego click here 


Category: #Advocacy, #Migration, #Service, #Worship & Formation, #Youth, Children, & Families

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2 replies to “Caminar en la Luz

  1. Salvador Arce Guerra | on August 22, 2024

    Was a blessing to see in the group Fr. Jesus Portillo, with who I shared theological studies in CETSA.
    God bless this fraternal young convivial.

  2. Hannah Wilder | on August 24, 2024

    So cool! I love all the reflections from the kids and how strong the relationships are that they built. Each one mentioned relationship, which is what it’s all about! Great work, Charlette, Nina, our young people, our friends in the Diocese of Western Mexico, and all the EDSD Formation supporters!

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