The Rt. Rev. Susan Brown Snook, fifth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, preached this sermon during the convention eucharist at the 46th Annual Diocesan Convention that took […]
Sermon for the Ordination of Susan Brown Snook as Bishop You are witnesses! We are all witnesses today of a radiant moment in the life of the church, both here […]
Our calendar of saints remembers Leo the Great today, even though I don’t think there’s a single Episcopal church named for him. He lived from about 400 to 461, at […]
Hashtags: #RoyalWedding #BishopMichaelCurry #Episcopal More about the Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry at American bishop brings human rights focus to royal wedding, David Rising/AP, 5-18-18 Video: Presiding Bishop Michael, […]
Listen to Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori’s sermon from her visitation to Trinity Church, Escondido on Sunday, August 20. Find pictures from the visitation below.
Come Holy Spirit: Touch our minds and think with them, touch our lips and speak with them and touch our hearts and set them on fire with love for you. […]