Mrs. Carroll Levien, standing committee member, died the first week of September. She was a long-time, active member of St. Dunstan’s, San Diego, and she participated fully in the following: […]
Obituary: Peter Lodge Bergstrom 1946-2018 A person of boundless curiosity and joy in exploration, Peter Bergstrom was equally inspired by nature and by his fellow humans. As directors for 40 […]
No one’s plans for the end of life will be exactly the same, but one thing is for certain: if you don’t plan, someone else will decide for you. From […]
I had the privilege of being at my mother’s bedside when she died. As a seasoned hospital chaplain I have come to appreciate this opportunity to experience presence and transcendence […]
Many people are willing to put up with prolonged, debilitating, sometimes painful ways to die because they think it’s sinful, selfish, or sacrilegious to choose the time and manner of […]
The death of a beloved family pet, a relative or friend is just as hard for children as for adults. I am sharing this as a mother of two young […]
Despite having lost a father, mother, brother and close friend to death by the time I was 40, I have a fair bit of experience avoiding grief. Because it is […]
What are your first thoughts when you consider the afterlife? Do you think of classic images of heaven or hell, do you tremble at the thought of judgment or smile […]
Have you ever asked yourself if you are (practicing resurrection)? It’s a useful question to consider when life brings change, disappointment, or grief. Do we respond to the unexpected by […]
In 2016, violent deaths were more frequent at faith-based organizations than at schools, and in comparing 2016 to the most recent 10 years, it was the second in the number […]