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October 4, 2022 | by Nicholas Alcorn

On Sunday, September 18, 2022, 52 young people from 7 congregations gathered for an afternoon of fun and games celebrating the kick-off of the youth ministry program year. The article […]

September 26, 2022 | by Jason Evans

As the autumn season begins, many church—and personal—schedules begin to fill up. Days grow shorter and the list of to-do’s only increase as we inch towards forthcoming holidays. Costumes to […]

September 20, 2022 | by Chris Tumilty

Shortly after the resurrection, Jesus was walking down a long road when he ran into two strangers. These strangers did not recognize Jesus. How could they? Jesus had died, been […]

September 20, 2022 | by Dawn Stary

For five days in late May of this year, I had the privilege of gathering with other seminarians at the annual Preaching in Excellence conference hosted by the Episcopal Preaching […]

September 6, 2022 | by Jason Evans

One of the interesting aspects of working in a diocesan office is an awareness of the trends across congregations in various locales. Of course, each congregation is unique in many […]

September 6, 2022 | by Diane Lopez Hughes

At the end of The Episcopal Church’s 2022 General Convention, the House of Bishops issued a final statement “naming the climate crisis as the overarching issue that affects all the […]

August 29, 2022 | by Daniel McMillan

As a deacon, I am one who serves. And pastoral care has been a big part of that. Currently, I have been seeing parishioners on a one-on-one basis for coffee. […]

August 23, 2022 | by Diane Lopez Hughes

As summer heat recedes and autumn breezes begin to cool, we are drawn into this annual time of harvest and hope. “What a timely opportunity to connect with the presence […]

August 23, 2022 | by Susan Brown Snook

The first day of the Lambeth Conference was a retreat for bishops in the hallowed halls of Canterbury Cathedral. That morning I sat jet-lagged in the cathedral, waiting for worship […]

August 22, 2022 | by Frank Munoz

“To go into the world and help to be agents and instruments of God’s reconciliation. To go into the world, let the world know that there is a God who […]

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