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April 25, 2023 | by Chris Tumilty

The above photo is of Old Town San Diego from Stockton Hill 1864 In the early 1850s, California was a state with a widely scattered population and few small towns. […]

April 18, 2023 | by Chris Tumilty

The Rev. Mark Hargreaves recalls how “Café Church” was all the rage amongst church growth experts when he left England. Congregations were encouraged to worship in a secular space and […]

April 11, 2023 | by Deann Rios

We are in month four of the EDSD 2023 Year of Service, and there is much to celebrate! Many of you have participated in webinars focused on a theology of […]

April 11, 2023 | by Chris Tumilty

no one leaves home until home is a sweaty voice in your ear saying- leave, run away from me now i dont know what i’ve become but i know that […]

April 4, 2023 | by Charlette Preslar

This Summer, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego will send 12 exceptional young people to represent us at the Episcopal Youth Event at The University of Maryland – College Park. […]

March 31, 2023 | by Douglas Worthington

In most churches, the Prayer Books in the pews tend to fall open to page 355, where Holy Eucharist Rite Two begins; and in some, the pages of the Daily […]

March 28, 2023 | by Chris Tumilty

Sacred spaces have always been considered a place of safety… “But there is an alternate history that also holds true…Whether we speak of Archbishop Thomas Beckett or the Tree of […]

March 28, 2023 | by Rachel Ambasing

There’s a picture floating around our diocese from last February’s ordination: Bishop Susan is standing in front of ordinands Heather Lawrence, Christina Miller, and Dawn Stary. The Rev. Canon Gwynn […]

March 21, 2023 | by Jason Evans

On Saturday, March 11, over 40 representatives from 11 congregations from across the diocese gathered at the Episcopal Church Center in Ocean Beach to learn about mission real estate. As […]

March 14, 2023 | by Kathy Wilder

CAMP STEVENS SUNDAY! March 19, 2023 What is Camp Stevens? Camp Stevens is your diocesan camp! Camp Stevens’ mission is to inspire, challenge, and empower personal, social, and environmental transformation. […]

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