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Category: Sundays
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July 11, 2018 | by Colin Mathewson

On Sunday a thousand General Convention-goers drove to the small town of Taylor, Texas to protest the administration’s policy of separating migrant families arrested at the border. Stepping out of […]

July 8, 2018 | by Hanh Tran

Greetings from the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas. It has been extraordinary experience for me to be one of the lay deputy serving this particular […]

July 8, 2018 | by Kirby Smith

One of the great pleasures of attending General Convention is getting to see old friends and make new ones.  When I entered the visitors’ section of the House of Deputies […]

July 3, 2018 | by Katharine Jefferts Schori

General Convention opens tomorrow at the Austin (TX) Convention Center.  This is the 79th gathering of The Episcopal Church (TEC).  The first one was held in 1785 in Philadelphia, with […]

June 29, 2018 | by Kirby Smith

During this time while many congregations are thinking about their 2019 budgets and the Supreme Court is in flux, it’s wise to keep this in the back of your minds. […]

June 25, 2018 | by Katharine Jefferts Schori

I am aware that a large number of clergy in this diocese have been, or will be soon, invited to participate in CREDO.  Some of you have undoubtedly been once, […]

June 22, 2018 | by Katharine Jefferts Schori

  Facebook Video of the Press Conference. Bishop Katharine’s comments are from 38:27 – 43:29. Senator Kamala Harri’s comments are from 1:07 – 1:17.   This nation has a long […]

June 20, 2018 | by Episcopal Public Policy Network of California

When large numbers of people cross borders to flee persecution, war, and disaster, they are considered refugees in the world’s eyes, and many nations build refugee camps or absorb migrating […]

June 19, 2018 | by Stasi McAteer

Our family has hosted Friday Family Meal (FFM) for three-and-a-half years, and thanks to a fearless love grant, we were able to cover our costs for 2017. The purpose of […]

June 14, 2018 | by California Bishops

We, the Bishops of the six Episcopal Dioceses of California, represent almost 150,000 people residing throughout the state. Our parishioners live and work in all manner of communities, ranging from […]

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