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Author: Rachel Ambasing
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June 11, 2024 | by Rachel Ambasing

Before we get into this piece on Juneteenth, it feels important to name that, though this feels appropriate for me to write in my role as Missioner for Community Vitality […]

April 23, 2024 | by Rachel Ambasing

As a 2nd-generation American of Igorot-Filipino and Chinese ancestry, there are a few cultural traditions I grew up practicing that I know are unfamiliar to most American households. One of […]

February 27, 2024 | by Rachel Ambasing

I love Annual Meeting Sunday!  When I was growing up at St. Matthew’s in National City (1990s/2000s), we’d be squirreled away into a nearby classroom to watch movies and play […]

February 6, 2024 | by Rachel Ambasing

Enjoy this written copy of the sermon provided by Rachel Ambasing at Leadership Academy 2024’s Opening Eucharist. (Texts: 1 Samuel 17:32-40; John 15:9-17) My call is to support our congregations […]

December 19, 2023 | by Rachel Ambasing

Last week, many of our congregations held celebrations honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose feast day is traditionally observed across the globe every December 12. The celebration of Our Lady […]

October 10, 2023 | by Rachel Ambasing

Last Thursday, I attended “La Misa in English” at St. John’s, Chula Vista, where over 40 people of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds spanning several generations gathered in St. John’s […]

March 28, 2023 | by Rachel Ambasing

There’s a picture floating around our diocese from last February’s ordination: Bishop Susan is standing in front of ordinands Heather Lawrence, Christina Miller, and Dawn Stary. The Rev. Canon Gwynn […]

February 21, 2023 | by Rachel Ambasing

Growing up as a little girl in the 1980s-90s in Paradise Hills, an area of Southeast San Diego rich in diversity, I had the pleasure of attending William Penn Elementary […]

August 2, 2022 | by Rachel Ambasing

This past July, I had the pleasure of attending General Convention for the first time and as a lay alternate: I was able to spend time with a great group […]

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