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Salt and Light: A Renewed School for Ministry

As the Rector for the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego’s School For Ministry, I’m very excited and pleased to invite you to register for classes for the 2020 Fall Semester! Why am I so excited? Well, during the last few months after the Spring semester ended, everyone on what I call the “SFM Team” (Bishop Susan, Staff, SFM Dean of Studies, Faculty, Facilities, Communications) has been working behind the scenes to make the Fall Semester at SFM a more robust, challenging, and formational experience than ever before. Our webpage is completely redesigned, more intuitive, with easily accessed information on courses, syllabi, required reading and registration. See for yourself: https://edsd.org/schoolforministry/

Some of our instructors for this semester are returning to teach classes with new study material and books that are more topical for the world we are living in today. Some of our instructors this fall are teaching these courses for the first time, and bring new ideas, materials, and experiences to the classroom. All are participating in making the SFM experience more dynamic, stimulating, and deeply formational for our students.

Questions? Are you someone who has thought about attending SFM in the past, but for various reasons put it off? Did you look at the schedule in the past, and passed because you live several hours driving distance from Ocean Beach, parking is terrible, and it would have been inconvenient? Are you someone who, perhaps felt a tug to go deeper into their faith? Need to learn more about the ministry you are leading at your church- beyond the knowledge you’ve picked up in Sunday School or Bible Study? Discerning a call to ordained ministry? I invite you to click on
https://edsd.org/schoolforministry/ to see if SFM may be the answer to these questions.

Oh, and one more thing- no excuses now due to inconvenience- the SFM Fall Semester is attended completely online through ZOOM video conferencing! You’ll have the best parking space, steps instead of hours of commuting distance-and you can attend in your slippers and PJ’s if you like!

Important dates to put on your calendar:
Saturday, August 29th SFM Fall Semester Orientation (through ZOOM) Classes begin Saturday, September 5th

Blessings to you all this day,
The Venerable Pamela Rieger
Archdeacon and Rector SFM


Category: #Communications, #Outreach, #Salt and Light

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