Bishop Susan Brown Snook invites you to join her in signing an anti-racism covenant to work toward racial justice and reconciliation. This covenant was created by a group of bishops, including Bishop Susan, from across The Episcopal Church.
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“Those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen.”
-1 John 4:20
The sin of racism disrupts the harmony and oneness that God intends for humanity. Racism is dangerous, divisive, and damaging. Racism purports that some are deserving of dignity over others and disregards the image and likeness of God found in every human being. We are created in the image of God; therefore, to engage in racism of any form is to refuse to acknowledge the image of God in the other and the stranger. The fact that we were created in the image of God should remind us that each person is a living expression of God that must be respected, preserved, and never dishonored.
Throughout our history, courageous people of God have taken the risk of standing up and speaking out with the least and the lowest. God now challenges us to become courageous people who seek to create sacred communities of hope by dismantling the sin of racism. This work involves risking ourselves for the sake of God’s love, moving beyond ourselves in order to seek and serve Christ and one another.
As people of faith, we acknowledge our sins and our failure to respect the dignity of every human being. We have, individually and corporately, fallen short of the glory of God, and now call to mind and name the aspects of our lament.
As people of faith, we are called to “love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul and with all our mind and to love our neighbors as ourselves.” Recognizing the places in which the church and people of faith have fallen short of God’s love, particularly in the legacy of racism and white supremacy, we seek to amend our lives to more fully reflect God’s dream of Beloved Community.
Bishop Susan Brown Snook
Canon Gwynn Lynch, Canon to the Ordinary
Canon Christian Gillette, Canon for Evangelism and Discipleship
Rev. Kirby Smith, Cheif Financial Officer EDSD
Chris Tumilty, Director of Communications EDSD
Alyson Terry
Rhiannon Howell, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert – “You have my full support”
David Spencer, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Chapter, Lector Coordinator
The Rev. Dr. Alex Nagy
Gloriamarie Amalfitano
Paige Blair-Hubert, St. Peter’s Del Mar
Christopher Butler, St. Paul in the Desert, Palm Springs, Latino ministry & Vestry
Equilla Luke, Good Samaritan, Advocacy Committee, Diocesan Mediation Team
William Murray, St. Timothy’s, Licensed Evangelist in the Episcopal Church – “I support this anti-racist covenant.”
Hannah Wilder St Mark’s , Strategic planning committee for St Mark’s – “St Mark’s is facilitating two Sacred Ground study group with a total of 15 people. We started last month and will continue through the next seven months.”
The Rev. Martha O. Anderson, St. Peter’s in Del Mar, Convener of Sacred Ground
Robert Nelson St. Peter’s, Del Mar, Property Committee, Deacons – “I recognize that I am privileged by being a white male and pray that I may live as an anti-racist.”
Mark Cappetta
Susan Rigney, St. Margaret’s, EfM
Julie Carroll, Trinity Episcopal Church, Escondido, CA Worship Committee, Daughters of the King; Society of Companions of the Holy Cross – “I recommend reading “White Fragility” by Diangelo.”
Bishop Sandy Hampton, St. Dunstan’s, San Diego/Diocese of Olympia – “Perhaps the most important issue which has divided our nation (and Church) for over 400 years. ENOUGH.”
Stephen Florman, St. Timothy’s, Executive – CFO/Treasurer
Kathleen Ide, St.Marks, Christian Education for Children
Kent Branstetter, St Dunsans San Diego, Standing Committee
Anne Meservey, St. Thomas of Canterbury, Bishop’s Committee, Choir Member, Women’s Group – “It is crucial for us to sign this pledge and commitment of the anti-racism covenant to actively engage in uprooting and destroying racism and not permit it anywhere. Racial justice and reconciliation are integral to the mission of our church. We promise to love our neighbor as ourselves and must ensure social justice.”
Penny Bridges, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Hispanic-Latino Ministries, North American Cathedral Deans
The Rev Kathrine Wood St Margarets Palme Desert, Ministry of Compassion and Justice
The Rev. Christopher Craig-Jones, St Michaels By The Sea, Carlsbad
David Burgdorf St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert CA
Dale Bruso, Grace San Marcos, Police Violence Study Group
The Rev. Dr. Kathryn Baird, St. David’s
David Madsen, St. Alban’s El Cajon Facilitator for Interfaith Leaders of East County IFLEC
John Norman, St. Margaret’s
Rev. Thomas Wilson, St. Paul’s Cathedral
Canon Allisyn Thomas, St. Bartholomew’s Poway, The Advocacy Committee
Greg Tuttle, St. Dunstan’s – “Thank you for continuing to serve and support all of God’s children.”
Carol Worthing St. Paul Cathedral, Spiritual Formation, retired clergy worship team – “My thoughts and prayers are with this antiracism covenant on behalf of the EDSD!”
John Will, St Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, Commission on Ministry
Patrick Grannan St Barnabas – Borrego Springs
Lauren Prust
Kathryn Reeves St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert, Pastoral Care & Vestry
Cindy Campos St Bartholomew’s Church – “I will work towards equality and justice in whatever way the church sees fit.”
Amy Lajiness, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, Outreach & Vestry
Rev. Tom Morelli, Christ Church, Sacred Ground Council of Churches Coronado – “God Please Help me and us become stronger “Anti-Racists”’
Christopher Davidson, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert, Vestry & Junior Warden – “Proud to be part of a community of faith that is committed to change.”
Verdery Kassebaum, Good Samaritan, Eucharistic Visitor, Choir, Bell Choir – “I need to learn how to be more sensitive to the rights of people who do not look like me.”
Ann Evans, All Souls’ Episcopal Church, Gouraud Music Fund , Participant in recording Morning Prayer, Sunday morning worship – “I am privileged to join in working toward seeing, respecting, treating and loving all people as the beloved children of God that they are.”
Susan Haynes, All Saints’, Vista Worship, Vestry
William Purves St. James by the Sea Episcopal Church – La Jolla Usher ministry, lector, intercessor, former vestry, former calling committee
Larry Salvadori, St. Bartholomew’s, Poway, Diocesan Nominating Committee (NomCom), Cursillo Secretariat, finance, property, maintenance, choir.
Joe Lopez, Saint John Indio, Vestry and Treasurer – “Thank you for this inspired covenant.”
Lynn Meurs, Trinity Episcopal, Escondido, Social Justice, Sunday School – “I hope for the day when we can see only a person’s heart, leaving everything else to fade as spirit around us.”
William Hammond, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Peace and Justice
Joy Wolf, St. David’s Church and Preschool, Fiance Committee, Clerk for the Vestry – “Lord help me to listen, learn, grow and share my faith respectfully with others.”
Singhild Baker St. Andrew’s, Encinitas – “I prayerfully commit to this covenant”
Vincent Walton, St. Thomas of Canterbury, Sacred Ground
Barnabas Hunt, The Society of St. Paul
Janine Schenone, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, Advocacy Committee, Executive Council
Sharon Merrill, St Margaret’s Palm Desert, Compassion & Justice – “Thank you!”
Deann Rios, St. Andrew’s by-the-Sea Advocacy Committee – “I am so grateful to be part of a Church and denomination that is taking racism and racial justice seriously, working on education and advocacy to become increasingly anti-racist, and committed to building more equitable and just churches and communities.”
Mary Polly Kleinpaste, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Family, Youth, and Children
Mary Ann Ekman, St. Margaret’s Palm Desert CA, Living without Fear, Finance Committee
Suzanne Petersen, St. Margaret’s and St. Hugh’s – “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. (All men and women)”
Jean Emery, St. Luke’s North Park
Duane Beach-Barrow, Church of St. Paul in The Desert, Palm Springs, Reopening Committee, Altar Guild and Lay Eucharistic Visitor
Canon Christine Spalding, All Souls’ in Point Loma, Parish Stewardship Committee, COM Diocesan Discerner, former COM member, Education for Ministry
Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija, TryTank Experimental Lab
Laura Lee Skillman, St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, Outreach
Scott Johnson, St. Margaret’s
Polly Morelli, Christ Church CoronadoService Ministry; a Thrift Shop Manager
Vicki Lynn Kelley, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Outreach
The Rev. Dr. Brian D. Johnson, Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Indio
Kathleen Wood St. John’s, Fallbrook, Sr. Warden, Music Minister, Vestry, worship
Maryl Weightman, St. James-By-The-Sea, La Jolla, Daughters of the King, Altar Guild
June Vikander, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert
The Rev Canon Joan Ford, St. Paul’s Cathedral San Diego CA, Pastoral Care
Carolyn Lief, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Simpler Living, outreach, diocesan Service and Justice Coalition
Bill Himelright
Aaron Riviers, Church of Saint Paul in the Desert, Latino Ministry & Social Justice
Cindy Shamel, St. Timothy’s, Rancho Penasquitos, Sacred Ground Planning Committee & Daughters of the King
Catherine Dowdle, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Chula Vista, CA
Connie Gach, St.Timothy’s in Rancho Penasquitos
Mark Hargreaves, St James by-the-Sea
Jill Sanford, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Stephen Ministry
Fred Thayer
Gary Arps, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Peace and Justice
Thérèse H. Carmona, St. Mark’s, Vestry Member
Richard Lief, St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego, Peace and Justice, Pastoral Care, Circles of Love Captain and caller, Sacred Ground Facilitator
Janice Larson, St Michael’s By-The-Sea, Pastoral Care
Babs Meairs, St. Timothy’s, San Diego Military Advocacy Committee & Daughters of the King
Alfred Dominico, St. Dunstan’s, Junior warden, Vestry
Meg Decker, Trinity, Escondido
Rev. Cn. Brooks Mason, St. Paul’s Cathedral
Nancy Peterson, St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, Vestry
The Rev Canon Wayne F. Sanders, St David’s Clairemont Interreligious Council of San Diego, VP Interreligious Council of San Diego County, Board of Directors of St.Paul’s Senior Center
Mary Lynn Coulson, St. Andrew’s by-the-Sea
Jackie Miley, Trinity Episcopal Church , Escondido, Vision Planning Committee, Trinity Vestry, Daughters of the King, President, Trinity Chapter
Jane Hodnik, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert, CA Order of the Daughters of the King
Mary Gaines, Trinity, Escondido Vestry, Social Justice & Daughters of the King
Thérèse H. Carmona, St. Mark’s, City Heights Vestry Member Sacred Ground, Diocesan Service & Justice Coalition
The Rev. Brian Fidler, All Souls’, Point Loma Commission on Ministry, Sacred Ground facilitator, Thriving In Ministry mentor, Listening Hearts convener
Kathleen Burgess, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Director of Administrative Operations, Sacred Grounds and more…
Neil Malmquist All Souls’ Point Loma, Properties, Worship, Diocesan representative on St Paul’s chapter
Joan Waitt, St. Margarets Palm Desert, Ca
David Bolger, Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Scottsdale, AZ Stewardship Committee Co-Chair, Arts at Nativity Steering Committee
Susan Jester, St Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, Revival 2021, EFM
Heather Lawrence, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church
Nancy Shugg, St Margaret’s
Keren Mondaca Diocesan Staff, Diocesan Staff
Lisa Schattman, Grace in San Marcos, Police Violence Study Group, Sunday School
Diana Kurr, St. Hugh of Lincoln, Idyllwild CA, Worship committee, Daughter of the King, member at large.
Susan Latimer, The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd Hemet, Planning Team for Bishop Curry Revival
Karla Lewis, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert, EfM mentor
Karla Chavez, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Martha Curatolo, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Virtual User, Peace and Justice, Circles of Love, StephenMinistry, Latino Ministry, Women Together. Chapter, Circle of Love, and PPWG
Salvador Arce Guerra, St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. San Diego
Georgina Miller St. Andrew’s, Encinitas, Stewardship Committee, Faith in Action Ministry, Lead Acolyte, Welcome/Fellowship, Reopening Task Force
Kathleen Kelly, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert
Jim Stiven, St. Andrew’s Encinitas, Faith in Action at St. Andrew’s, formerly President of the Standing Committee (EDSD)
The Vestry of Trinity Escondido Trinity, The whole vestry
Add your signature to the Anti-Racism Covenant Here
Firme el Pacto contra el racismo: haga clic aquí
Aquellos que dicen: «Yo amo a Dios», y al mismo tiempo odian a sus hermanos o hermanas, son mentirosos. Pues si alguno no ama a sus hermanos o hermanas, a quienes ve, tampoco puede amar a Dios, a quien no ve.
-1 Juan 4:20
El pecado del racismo impide la armonía y la unidad que Dios quiere para la humanidad. El racismo es peligroso, divisor y dañino. El racismo pretende que algunos merecen tener más dignidad sobre otros y no tiene en cuenta la imagen y semejanza de Dios que se encuentra en cada ser humano. Somos creados a imagen de Dios; por lo tanto, involucrarse en cualquier forma de racismo es negarse a reconocer la imagen de Dios en el otro y en el extraño. El hecho de que fuimos creados a imagen de Dios debería recordarnos que cada persona es una expresión viva de Dios que debe ser respetada, preservada y nunca deshonrada.
A lo largo de nuestra historia, los valientes del pueblo de Dios se han arriesgado a levantarse y hablar con los más pequeños y humildes. Dios ahora nos reta a convertirnos en personas valientes, que buscan crear comunidades sagradas de esperanza, desmantelando el pecado del racismo. Este trabajo implica arriesgarnos por el amor de Dios, ir más allá de nosotros mismos para buscar y servir a Cristo y a los demás.
Como personas de fe, reconocemos nuestros pecados y nuestra incapacidad de respetar la dignidad de cada ser humano. De manera individual y corporativa, nos hemos quedado cortos de la gloria de Dios, y ahora recordamos y nombramos los aspectos de nuestro lamento.
Como personas de fe, estamos llamados a “amar al Señor nuestro Dios con todo nuestro corazón, y con toda nuestra alma y con toda nuestra mente, y amar a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos”. Reconociendo los lugares en los que la iglesia y las personas de fe han faltado al amor de Dios, particularmente en el legado del racismo y la supremacía blanca, buscamos enmendar nuestras vidas para reflejar más plenamente el sueño de Dios de una Comunidad en Amor.
Bishop Susan Brown Snook
Canon Gwynn Lynch
Canon Christian Gillette
Rev. Kirby Smith
Chris Tumilty
Alyson Terry
Rhiannon Howell, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert – “You have my full support”
David Spencer, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Chapter, Lector Coordinator
The Rev. Dr. Alex Nagy
Gloriamarie Amalfitano
Paige Blair-Hubert, St. Peter’s Del Mar
Christopher Butler, St. Paul in the Desert, Palm Springs, Latino ministry & Vestry
Equilla Luke, Good Samaritan, Advocacy Committee, Diocesan Mediation Team
William Murray, St. Timothy’s, Licensed Evangelist in the Episcopal Church – “I support this anti-racist covenant.”
Hannah Wilder St Mark’s , Strategic planning committee for St Mark’s – “St Mark’s is facilitating two Sacred Ground study group with a total of 15 people. We started last month and will continue through the next seven months.”
The Rev. Martha O. Anderson, St. Peter’s in Del Mar, Convener of Sacred Ground
Robert Nelson St. Peter’s, Del Mar, Property Committee, Deacons – “I recognize that I am privileged by being a white male and pray that I may live as an anti-racist.”
Mark Cappetta
Susan Rigney, St. Margaret’s, EfM
Julie Carroll, Trinity Episcopal Church, Escondido, CA Worship Committee, Daughters of the King; Society of Companions of the Holy Cross – “I recommend reading “White Fragility” by Diangelo.”
Bishop Sandy Hampton, St. Dunstan’s, San Diego/Diocese of Olympia – “Perhaps the most important issue which has divided our nation (and Church) for over 400 years. ENOUGH.”
Stephen Florman, St. Timothy’s, Executive – CFO/Treasurer
Kathleen Ide, St.Marks, Christian Education for Children
Kent Branstetter, St Dunsans San Diego, Standing Committee
Anne Meservey, St. Thomas of Canterbury, Bishop’s Committee, Choir Member, Women’s Group – “It is crucial for us to sign this pledge and commitment of the anti-racism covenant to actively engage in uprooting and destroying racism and not permit it anywhere. Racial justice and reconciliation are integral to the mission of our church. We promise to love our neighbor as ourselves and must ensure social justice.”
Penny Bridges, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Hispanic-Latino Ministries, North American Cathedral Deans
The Rev Kathrine Wood St Margarets Palme Desert, Ministry of Compassion and Justice
The Rev. Christopher Craig-Jones, St Michaels By The Sea, Carlsbad
David Burgdorf St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert CA
Dale Bruso, Grace San Marcos, Police Violence Study Group
The Rev. Dr. Kathryn Baird, St. David’s
David Madsen, St. Alban’s El Cajon Facilitator for Interfaith Leaders of East County IFLEC
John Norman, St. Margaret’s
Rev. Thomas Wilson, St. Paul’s Cathedral
Canon Allisyn Thomas, St. Bartholomew’s Poway, The Advocacy Committee
Greg Tuttle, St. Dunstan’s – “Thank you for continuing to serve and support all of God’s children.”
Carol Worthing St. Paul Cathedral, Spiritual Formation, retired clergy worship team – “My thoughts and prayers are with this antiracism covenant on behalf of the EDSD!”
John Will, St Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, Commission on Ministry
Patrick Grannan St Barnabas – Borrego Springs
Lauren Prust
Kathryn Reeves St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert, Pastoral Care & Vestry
Cindy Campos St Bartholomew’s Church – “I will work towards equality and justice in whatever way the church sees fit.”
Amy Lajiness, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, Outreach & Vestry
Rev. Tom Morelli, Christ Church, Sacred Ground Council of Churches Coronado – “God Please Help me and us become stronger “Anti-Racists”’
Christopher Davidson, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert, Vestry & Junior Warden – “Proud to be part of a community of faith that is committed to change.”
Verdery Kassebaum, Good Samaritan, Eucharistic Visitor, Choir, Bell Choir – “I need to learn how to be more sensitive to the rights of people who do not look like me.”
Ann Evans, All Souls’ Episcopal Church, Gouraud Music Fund , Participant in recording Morning Prayer, Sunday morning worship – “I am privileged to join in working toward seeing, respecting, treating and loving all people as the beloved children of God that they are.”
Susan Haynes, All Saints’, Vista Worship, Vestry
William Purves St. James by the Sea Episcopal Church – La Jolla Usher ministry, lector, intercessor, former vestry, former calling committee
Larry Salvadori, St. Bartholomew’s, Poway, Diocesan Nominating Committee (NomCom), Cursillo Secretariat, finance, property, maintenance, choir.
Joe Lopez, Saint John Indio, Vestry and Treasurer – “Thank you for this inspired covenant.”
Lynn Meurs, Trinity Episcopal, Escondido, Social Justice, Sunday School – “I hope for the day when we can see only a person’s heart, leaving everything else to fade as spirit around us.”
William Hammond, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Peace and Justice
Joy Wolf, St. David’s Church and Preschool, Fiance Committee, Clerk for the Vestry – “Lord help me to listen, learn, grow and share my faith respectfully with others.”
Singhild Baker St. Andrew’s, Encinitas – “I prayerfully commit to this covenant”
Vincent Walton, St. Thomas of Canterbury, Sacred Ground
Barnabas Hunt, The Society of St. Paul
Janine Schenone, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, Advocacy Committee, Executive Council
Sharon Merrill, St Margaret’s Palm Desert, Compassion & Justice – “Thank you!”
Deann Rios, St. Andrew’s by-the-Sea Advocacy Committee – “I am so grateful to be part of a Church and denomination that is taking racism and racial justice seriously, working on education and advocacy to become increasingly anti-racist, and committed to building more equitable and just churches and communities.”
Mary Polly Kleinpaste, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Family, Youth, and Children
Mary Ann Ekman, St. Margaret’s Palm Desert CA, Living without Fear, Finance Committee
Suzanne Petersen, St. Margaret’s and St. Hugh’s – “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. (All men and women)”
Jean Emery, St. Luke’s North Park
Duane Beach-Barrow, Church of St. Paul in The Desert, Palm Springs, Reopening Committee, Altar Guild and Lay Eucharistic Visitor
Canon Christine Spalding, All Souls’ in Point Loma, Parish Stewardship Committee, COM Diocesan Discerner, former COM member, Education for Ministry
Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija, TryTank Experimental Lab
Laura Lee Skillman, St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, Outreach
Scott Johnson, St. Margaret’s
Polly Morelli, Christ Church CoronadoService Ministry; a Thrift Shop Manager
Vicki Lynn Kelley, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Outreach
The Rev. Dr. Brian D. Johnson, Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Indio
Kathleen Wood St. John’s, Fallbrook, Sr. Warden, Music Minister, Vestry, worship
Maryl Weightman, St. James-By-The-Sea, La Jolla, Daughters of the King, Altar Guild
June Vikander, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert
The Rev Canon Joan Ford, St. Paul’s Cathedral San Diego CA, Pastoral Care
Carolyn Lief, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Simpler Living, outreach, diocesan Service and Justice Coalition
Bill Himelright
Aaron Riviers, Church of Saint Paul in the Desert, Latino Ministry & Social Justice
Cindy Shamel, St. Timothy’s, Rancho Penasquitos, Sacred Ground Planning Committee & Daughters of the King
Catherine Dowdle, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Chula Vista, CA
Connie Gach, St.Timothy’s in Rancho Penasquitos
Mark Hargreaves, St James by-the-Sea
Jill Sanford, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Stephen Ministry
Fred Thayer
Gary Arps, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Peace and Justice
Thérèse H. Carmona, St. Mark’s, Vestry Member
Richard Lief, St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego, Peace and Justice, Pastoral Care, Circles of Love Captain and caller, Sacred Ground Facilitator
Janice Larson, St Michael’s By-The-Sea, Pastoral Care
Babs Meairs, St. Timothy’s, San Diego Military Advocacy Committee & Daughters of the King
Alfred Dominico, St. Dunstan’s, Junior warden, Vestry
Meg Decker, Trinity, Escondido
Rev. Cn. Brooks Mason, St. Paul’s Cathedral
Nancy Peterson, St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, Vestry
The Rev Canon Wayne F. Sanders, St David’s Clairemont Interreligious Council of San Diego, VP Interreligious Council of San Diego County, Board of Directors of St.Paul’s Senior Center
Mary Lynn Coulson, St. Andrew’s by-the-Sea
Jackie Miley, Trinity Episcopal Church , Escondido, Vision Planning Committee, Trinity Vestry, Daughters of the King, President, Trinity Chapter
Jane Hodnik, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert, CA Order of the Daughters of the King
Mary Gaines, Trinity, Escondido Vestry, Social Justice & Daughters of the King
Thérèse H. Carmona, St. Mark’s, City Heights Vestry Member Sacred Ground, Diocesan Service & Justice Coalition
The Rev. Brian Fidler, All Souls’, Point Loma Commission on Ministry, Sacred Ground facilitator, Thriving In Ministry mentor, Listening Hearts convener
Kathleen Burgess, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Director of Administrative Operations, Sacred Grounds and more…
Neil Malmquist All Souls’ Point Loma, Properties, Worship, Diocesan representative on St Paul’s chapter
Joan Waitt, St. Margarets Palm Desert, Ca
David Bolger, Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Scottsdale, AZ Stewardship Committee Co-Chair, Arts at Nativity Steering Committee
Susan Jester, St Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, Revival 2021, EFM
Heather Lawrence, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church
Nancy Shugg, St Margaret’s
Keren Mondaca Diocesan Staff, Diocesan Staff
Lisa Schattman, Grace in San Marcos, Police Violence Study Group, Sunday School
Diana Kurr, St. Hugh of Lincoln, Idyllwild CA, Worship committee, Daughter of the King, member at large.
Susan Latimer, The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd Hemet, Planning Team for Bishop Curry Revival
Karla Lewis, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert, EfM mentor
Karla Chavez, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Martha Curatolo, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Virtual User, Peace and Justice, Circles of Love, StephenMinistry, Latino Ministry, Women Together. Chapter, Circle of Love, and PPWG
Salvador Arce Guerra, St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. San Diego
Georgina Miller St. Andrew’s, Encinitas, Stewardship Committee, Faith in Action Ministry, Lead Acolyte, Welcome/Fellowship, Reopening Task Force
Kathleen Kelly, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert
Jim Stiven, St. Andrew’s Encinitas, Faith in Action at St. Andrew’s, formerly President of the Standing Committee (EDSD)
The Vestry of Trinity Escondido Trinity, The whole vestry
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