We celebrate the legacy and example of one of our nation’s most beloved civil rights leaders, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., on Monday, January 18th. His words and example seem especially fitting at this moment in time as we witness incredible division and violence in our nation. We remember Dr. King’s call to “Build bridges not walls” as well as his commitment to the transforming power of love in the midst of hate: “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend,” he said. Below are some worship and programming resources to assist you in witnessing to the example and legacy of Dr. King.
Annual clean-up and service events are not happening this year due to Covid. Instead, a group of local interfaith partners, including the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, is hosting The Thirteenth Annual San Diego Interfaith Community Event Honoring MLK Jr. Day, a Zoom event on Monday from 10-11am. The panel will highlight “the importance of the intersection between King’s mission of justice and the impact of environmental and climate justice on a local and city-wide scale today.” You can learn more and RSVP here.
You can find prayers and additional ideas and resources for reflection and action to help you celebrate MLK Jr. Day and the life and legacy of Dr. King below.
Collect of the Day and Lessons: (Holy Women, Holy Men)
Prayers of the People/Liturgy of Call
Resources from “The Text This Week”
Worship Resources from the Presbyterian Church:
Online Events
Bishop Curry to Speak at the Interfaith Breakfast: https://trianglemlk.com/programs-events/
FUMC Interfaith Community Event: https://www.fumcsd.org/event/1955278-2021-01-18-13th-annual-san-diego-interfaith-community-event-honoring-mlk-jr-day/
We do not doubt that through him and beyond him, you, holy God of the prophets, are still pledged to justice and peace and liberty for all. We remember Martin in gratitude . . . and chagrin. And we pledge, amid our stressed ambiguities, to dream as he did, to walk the walk, and to talk the talk of your coming kingdom. We pledge, so sure that your truth will not stop its march until your will is done on earth as it is in heaven. – “Martin Luther King” by Walter Brueggemann from Prayers for a Privileged People (2008: Abingdon Press)
Other Ideas:
Consider, in place of a traditional Service Day this year during COVID, a call to service and supporting those ministries and organizations that serve your local community
Dr. King promoted building bridges and working together for change, this may be a good time to engage in or launch a civil discourse series. Some resources for this include:
Make Me An Instrument of Your Peace: https://www.churchnext.tv/library/instruments-of-peace-a-guide-to-civil-discourse/109671/about/
Civil Discourse Curriculum from the Office of Governmental Relations of the Episcopal Church:
Living Room Conversations for Faith Communities: https://livingroomconversations.org/faith-communities/
Braver Angels: https://braverangels.org/
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