When asked about Episcopal Community Services (ECS), many San Diego Episcopalians recognize the organization as the service arm of the Episcopal Diocese. Established in 1927, ECS serves those that were often forgotten. In 1954, ECS expanded its support programs to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of all San Diegans. Today, over 7,000 people in the South Bay area of San Diego benefit from ECS’s services in four distinct areas: early childhood development, mental health, substance abuse, and homelessness. Throughout the four areas, people arrive at ECS’s programs struggling or hoping for answers and support.
Over the past few years, Tanya has been a resident at Uptown Safe Haven (UTSH), dealing with mental health and substance abuse disorders. She has a form of schizophrenia and had been using drugs to self-medicate before getting connected with Uptown. Through her ups and downs, Uptown Safe Haven has been there to help support her recovery efforts. Tanya expressed an appreciation for Uptown Safe Haven, saying, “Everyone is kind, respectful, and fair. I live with people who understand where I’ve been and what I want to do. The staff try to make our days fun and interesting; they are supportive and easy to talk to. I am so grateful for this. I am in a place where I am appreciative of what I have and feel like I’m doing something meaningful for myself.” Tanya has worked throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in the kitchen at Mercy Scripps Hospital and continues to improve daily with the program’s help.
When Hezekiah noticed his kids, Mason and Primrose, exhibiting concerning behaviors typical of children who experienced trauma, he brought them to Para Las Familias. Para Las Familias (PLF) is a program aimed at providing therapy and counseling services for low-income kids and their families. After some time, Mason and Primrose’s behaviors and overall lives changed. Hezekiah describes the change in his relationship with his kids as night and day before and after the program. Now they enjoy a secure attachment relationship. They have the confidence and emotional skills to express their emotions and the ability to organize their thoughts in a healthy manner.
All these stories couldn’t have happened without supporters and donors of ECS like you! Tanya is grateful for donations from donors like games, puzzles, books, and art supplies. This helps residents like Tanya connect with each other and Uptown Safe Haven Staff. Therapy kits provided by donations at Para Las Familias help families like Hezekiah’s find ways to spend time with each other and foster healthy relationships.
Want to hear about the story behind the success of Tanya and Hezekiah? Join us for our annual gala, Moonlight Magic: Under the Flower Moon at Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn. We’re excited to reintroduce the entirely in-person event to raise funds for people who need support from ECS’s transformative programs. The night will include live music, delicious food, and extravagant auction items.
New at the gala this year is our young professionals’ Sunset Social! Join young professionals from around San Diego wanting to make an impact in their community.
Tickets start at $50 for the Sunset Social and $300 for the main Moonlight Magic Gala.
For more information on the ECS Moonlight Magic: Under the Flower Moon, visit:
Gala — Episcopal Community Services (ecscalifornia.org)
Moonlight Magic: Under the Flower Moon Gala
Sunset Social at the Moonlight Magic: Under the Flower Moon Gala
Saturday May 14th, 2022
Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn
2303 Shelter Island Dr
San Diego, CA 92106
Check in starts at 5:30p for the Main Gala and 6p for the Sunset Social
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