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A Pastoral Letter from the Episcopal Bishops in California

“Jesus said: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10:27)”


From the beginning of the pandemic, our Episcopal congregations and our respective dioceses have been strengthened by prayer, study, and praise. In this time, our churches have never “closed” or ceased in teaching, fellowship, prayer and service to our communities; we have simply continued our gatherings on-line and in homes, bowing to Christ’s authority and the teaching that we are to act out of love for others.


As the weeks go on, the weather is nicer, and our solitude continues, there is pressure to get out, be among people and gather. Churches are a place where we feel that pressure intensely, for we are a people that is embodied and communal, and we often refer to ourselves as “family.”


Over the past few weeks, we have carefully considered how and when we will re-gather in person. We recognize that our plans are not as simple as unlocking a door and walking in. All of our congregations are actively making plans centered spiritually on our love for others, and scientifically on the realities of disease. The reminders from the CDC, and state government tug us into the reality that we still do not know enough about COVID-19 to gather safely in the same ways as before; we need to find new ways to keep our people safe.


We are grateful for our rights as Americans and as Christians. Even so, we put priority not on standing up for those rights, but rather on having the mind of Christ and becoming servants of God, of our congregation, and of our community. (Philippians 2:5-11)


For these reasons, each of our dioceses will follow its re-entry protocols as planned. We are carefully monitoring directives from local governments and especially the State of California, which will not permit in-person worship until stage three. When the time comes, we will make decisions that we and our discernment partners think best for the diocesan families we serve. For now, we will not re-gather in our church buildings but will continue to attend church virtually in our homes, greeting each other via technology, and loving God and our neighbor. We will continue to protect, serve, and advocate for the most vulnerable among us. (Matthew 25:31-46)


The way in which each of us loves our neighbor is sacrificial; it is a holy offering not only for our faith communities, but also and very importantly, for first responders and health care workers who are putting their lives on the line. As God’s people, we make this profound offering prayerfully and reflectively, knowing that in God we live and move and have our being.


Almighty and eternal God, so draw our hearts to you, so guide our minds, so fill our imaginations, so control our wills, that we may be wholly yours, utterly dedicated to you; and then use us, we pray, as you will, and always to your glory and the welfare of your people; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


In Christ,
The Right Reverend Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop of California
The Right Reverend Lucinda Beth Ashby, Bishop of El Camino Real
The Right Reverend Diane Jardine Bruce, Bishop Suffragan of Los Angeles
The Right Reverend David Rice, Bishop of San Joaquin
The Right Reverend Susan Brown Snook, Bishop of San Diego
The Right Reverend John Harvey Taylor, Bishop of Los Angeles
The Right Reverend Megan McClure Traquair, Bishop of Northern California
The Rt. Rev. James Mathes
The Rt. Rev. Sanford Z. K. Hampton, Bishop Suffragan of Minnesota and Assistant Bishop of Olympia, Ret.
The Rev. Canon Gwynn Lynch, Canon to the Ordinary, Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
The Rev. Kirby M. Smith, Treasurer and CFO of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
The Rev. Canon Andrew Green
The Rev. Daniel Rondeau, Vicar, St. Hugh’s Episcopal Church, Idyllwild
The Rev. D. Rebecca Dinovo
The Rev. Dr. David Jackson, retired priest, Menifee
The Rev. Bill Zettinger, St Bartholomew’s, Poway
The Rev. Colin Mathewson
Rev. Roger Haenke, Priest-in-Charge, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Chula Vista
The Rev. Susan J. Latimer, OA, Rector, Good Shepherd Hemet
The Rev Hannah Wilder, Curate, St Mark’s, City Heights
The Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas, Associate Rector, St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church
The Rev. Canon Robert A. (Bob) Nelson
Dcn. Tom Morelli
The Rev’d Canon Victoria T. Hatch
Rev. Michael Tinnon
The Rev. Martha O. Anderson
The Rev. Penny Bridges
The Reverend Canon Wayne F. Sanders
The Rev. Paige Blair-Hubert, Rector, St. Peter’s Del Mar
The Rev. Brenda Sol, Rector, St. Andrew’s, Encinitas
The Rev. Steven L. Schuneman
The Rev. Kathleen Kelly, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert
The Rev. Richard Lee
The Rev. Susan Green
The Rev. Janine Schenone, Rector, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church of San Diego
The Rev. Frederick W. Thayer



Una carta de los Obispos Episcopales en California


“Jesús dijo: Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, y con toda tu alma, y ​​con todas tus fuerzas, y con toda tu mente, y amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. (Lucas 10:27)”


Desde el comienzo de la pandemia, nuestras congregaciones Episcopales y nuestras respectivas diócesis se han fortalecido con la oración, el estudio y la alabanza. En este tiempo, nuestras iglesias nunca han “cerrado” o cesado en la enseñanza, la comunión, la oración y el servicio a nuestras comunidades; simplemente continuamos nuestras reuniones en línea y en los hogares, inclinándonos ante la autoridad de Cristo y la enseñanza de que debemos actuar por amor a los demás.


A medida que pasan las semanas, el clima es más agradable y nuestra soledad continúa, hay presión para salir, estar entre la gente y reunirse. Las iglesias son un lugar donde sentimos esa presión intensamente, porque somos personas encarnadas y comunitarias, y a menudo nos referimos a nosotros mismos como “familia”.


En las últimas semanas, hemos considerado cuidadosamente cómo y cuándo nos reuniremos en persona. Reconocemos que nuestros planes no son tan simples como abrir una puerta y entrar. Todas nuestras congregaciones están haciendo planes centrados espiritualmente en nuestro amor por los demás y científicamente en las realidades de la enfermedad. Los recordatorios del CDC y el gobierno estatal nos llevan a la realidad de que todavía no sabemos lo suficiente sobre COVID-19 para reunirnos de manera segura del mismo modo que antes; Necesitamos encontrar nuevas formas de mantener a nuestra gente segura.


Estamos agradecidos por nuestros derechos como estadounidenses y cristianos. Aun así, damos prioridad no a defender esos derechos, sino a tener la mente de Cristo y convertirnos en siervos de Dios, de nuestra congregación y de nuestra comunidad. (Filipenses 2: 5-11)


Por estas razones, cada una de nuestras diócesis seguirá sus protocolos de reingreso según lo planeado. Estamos monitoreando cuidadosamente las directivas de los gobiernos locales y especialmente del Estado de California, que no permitirán el servicios en persona hasta la etapa tres. Cuando llegue el momento, tomaremos las decisiones que nosotros y nuestros socios de discernimiento piensen sean mejor para las familias diocesanas a las que servimos. Por ahora, no nos reuniremos nuevamente en los edificios de nuestra iglesia, sino que continuaremos asistiendo a la iglesia virtualmente en nuestros hogares, saludándonos a través de la tecnología y amando a Dios y a nuestro prójimo. Continuaremos protegiendo, sirviendo y abogando por los más vulnerables entre nosotros. (Mateo 25: 31-46)


La forma en que cada uno de nosotros ama a nuestro prójimo es de sacrificio; Es una ofrenda sagrada no solo para nuestras comunidades religiosas, sino también y, lo que es más importante, el personal de primeros auxilios y trabajadores de la salud que están arriesgando sus vidas. Como pueblo de Dios, hacemos esta profunda ofrenda en oración y reflexión, sabiendo que en Dios vivimos, nos movemos y somos.


Dios todopoderoso y eterno, atrae nuestros corazones hacia ti, guía nuestras mentes, llena nuestra imaginación, controla nuestras voluntades, para que podamos ser completamente tuyos, completamente dedicados a ti; y luego úsanos, roguemos, como quieras, y siempre para tu gloria y el bienestar de tu pueblo; a través de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo. Amén.


En Cristo,


El Reverendísimo Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop of California
La Reverendísima Lucinda Beth Ashby, Bishop of El Camino Real
La Reverendísima Diane M. Jardine Bruce, Bishop Suffragan of Los Angeles
El Reverendísimo David Rice, Bishop of San Joaquin
La Reverendísima Susan Brown Snook, Bishop of San Diego
El Reverendísimo John Harvey Taylor, Bishop of Los Angeles
La Reverendísima Megan McClure Traquair, Bishop of Northern California
The Rt. Rev. James Mathes
The Rt. Rev. Sanford Z. K. Hampton, Bishop Suffragan of Minnesota and Assistant Bishop of Olympia, Ret.
The Rev. Canon Gwynn Lynch, Canon to the Ordinary, Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
The Rev. Kirby M. Smith, Treasurer and CFO of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
The Rev. Canon Andrew Green
The Rev. Daniel Rondeau, Vicar, St. Hugh’s Episcopal Church, Idyllwild
The Rev. D. Rebecca Dinovo
The Rev. Dr. David Jackson, retired priest, Menifee
The Rev. Bill Zettinger, St Bartholomew’s, Poway
The Rev. Colin Mathewson
Rev. Roger Haenke, Priest-in-Charge, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Chula Vista
The Rev. Susan J. Latimer, OA, Rector, Good Shepherd Hemet
The Rev Hannah Wilder, Curate, St Mark’s, City Heights
The Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas, Associate Rector, St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church
The Rev. Canon Robert A. (Bob) Nelson
Dcn. Tom Morelli
The Rev’d Canon Victoria T. Hatch
Rev. Michael Tinnon
The Rev. Martha O. Anderson
The Rev. Penny Bridges
The Reverend Canon Wayne F. Sanders
The Rev. Paige Blair-Hubert, Rector, St. Peter’s Del Mar
The Rev. Brenda Sol, Rector, St. Andrew’s, Encinitas
The Rev. Steven L. Schuneman
The Rev. Kathleen Kelly, St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert
The Rev. Richard Lee
The Rev. Susan Green
The Rev. Janine Schenone, Rector, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church of San Diego
The Rev. Frederick W. Thayer


Category: #Bishop's Blog, #Communications, #Outreach, #Uncategorized, #Worship & Formation

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