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Human Resources

Diocesan Human Resources can assist with all your Human Resources needs.  Consultants with professional backgrounds in Human Resources staff the Diocesan Human Resources committee and are available to assist congregations. If you have any questions, please contact The Rev. Jeff Martinhauk jmartinhauk@edsd.org .

2024 Annual Enrollment

2024 Member Education from CPG; Handout from member education

2024 Plan Benefit Comparison

2024 Plan Rates

2024 Annual Enrollment Letter to Administrators

2024 Templates for Administrators

2024 Healthcare Compliance Notices

2024 Benefit Highlights for Administrators

2023 Annual Enrollment

Plan Benefit Comparison

2023 Plan Rates

2023 Benefit Highlights for Administrators

EDSD Policy

EDSD Employee Handbook, revised 5/10/24

COVID Policy, revised 9/10/22

EDSD Retreat Worker Policy, 12/2/23

Whistleblower/Grievance Policy, revised 3/5/22

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