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Effective Church Communications
A highly readable and extremely practical site created by a professional church communications consultant. Well worth both an initial look and bookmarking in your browser.
Center for Church Communication
You might find the tone a little irksome (a hint as to what we mean is that an associated site is called “Church Marketing Sucks” and urges the reader to operate on the basis that “Church marketing doesn’t have to suck.”) But this site nevertheless includes a great deal of useful information, largely well-considered opinion, and useful links to other online resources.
Episcopal Communicators
This is a membership organization for people with communications responsibilities in the Episcopal Church. The majority of its members work at dioceses or large program churches, but anyone with communications responsibilities may join and would benefit from doing so. There is an active listserv, on which members frequently pick each others’ brains about things that would be of interest and use to any church communicator.
Blogging Resources
A set of resources with links to the out-of-the-box blogging solutions as well as to hosting services, customization resources, templates, etc.
Book Resource
Life is short and for most church communicators finding the time to plow through books on the subject is going to be a struggle. However, this is one we own and heartily endorse:
The Word Made Fresh: Communicating Church and Faith Today, by Meredith Gould, Morehouse Publishing, 2008.