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Easter Invitation: A Guide to Inviting Your Neighbors To Church

I recall many years ago wrestling with a deeply personal loss in my life. I was a young father, working long hours, felt isolated from meaningful friendships, and was exhausted. As a lay person, I entered a church service on an Easter Sunday and was immediately enveloped by the liturgy. From beginning to end, I was reminded of hope and new life, and in that troubled season of life it was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. You never know who will walk through your church doors on Easter Sunday, longing to hear a message of good news. 

The celebration of Jesus’s resurrection offers a unique opportunity for congregations to extend warm invitations to neighbors, friends, and family. According to a Gallup poll, while 30% of Americans attend church regularly, a staggering 80% participate in Easter festivities. With more than twice the usual number of Americans considering attending church on March 31, it’s crucial for congregations to be prepared to welcome and engage these potential visitors. 

Easter is more than a religious observance; it’s a celebration that transcends denominational boundaries. As most Americans join in, churches have a golden opportunity to reach out to those who may not regularly attend services. The Gallup poll’s statistics underscore the widespread cultural significance of Easter, making it an ideal time to extend invitations and foster a sense of welcome among diverse groups. 

The upcoming 1.5-hour online evangelism class on Tuesday, March 5, at 5:30 pm presents an invaluable opportunity to learn about effective outreach tools and practices. Evangelism is an announcement, a declaration, or a proclamation of observable good news. For a Christian, the ultimate good news is of Jesus Christ and what his life, death, and resurrection made possible. In his book Transforming Evangelism, Episcopal priest the Rev. Dr. David Gortner writes, “Evangelism is your natural expression of gratitude for God’s goodness.” In other words, evangelism is your articulated appreciation for how your soul has been nourished by what God has done and is doing. For many of us, one of the ways God nourishes us is through weekly worship. It is no mistake, then, that one of the ways we go about evangelism is by inviting others to worship with us. In doing so, others hear the good news proclaimed and are nourished by God’s love. 

Hosted by myself along with Charlette Preslar, Director of Formation, and Chris Tumilty, Director of Communication, this class is designed to cater to both evangelism newcomers and those looking to refine their skills. Whether you are a first-time participant or licensed lay evangelist, the class promises to offer insights and strategies tailored to enhance your Easter outreach efforts. Participants will learn about the approaches to community engagement, effective communication strategies, and practical tools for inviting others to join Easter celebrations. For those who have previously attended EDSD evangelism classes, this session is an excellent opportunity to refresh and refine your plans for Easter outreach. The class will provide a platform to share experiences, exchange ideas, and strategize how to make the most of Easter Sunday. 

Easter is a time of joy and renewal. It is a chance to share this good news of Christ with those who may not otherwise cross your church’s threshold. I hope this class can help your congregation steward this opportunity as best as possible. Whether you’re new to evangelism or seeking to refine your skills, this class is a stepping stone toward creating a vibrant, inclusive, and welcoming celebration on Easter Sunday. I hope you will join us. 

As space is limited, prospective attendees are encouraged to register soon. Register today! The deadline for registration is set for February 23.  


Category: #Communications, #Evangelism, #Outreach, #Worship & Formation

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5 replies to “Easter Invitation: A Guide to Inviting Your Neighbors To Church

  1. MidCity Christian | on February 14, 2024

    We’ve posted this invitation to our website. midcitychristian.org

  2. Margaret Liggett | on February 14, 2024

    I would like to Register for this class but the Register Today button does not work.

    Margaret 8)

    • Jason Evans | on February 14, 2024

      Try again, Margaret. It should work now.

  3. Mary Helen McCombs | on February 14, 2024

    Thank you Jason

  4. Bob webster | on February 15, 2024

    How do I register?

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