This month the focus of our diocese is upon saying “Vaya Con Dios” to Bishop and Terri Mathes. Your standing committee is busy multi-tasking, however, to assure a smooth transition. Standing committee teams are working on: 1) coordinating farewell events, 2) preparing to select a consultant who will guide us through the process and an assisting bishop who will share leadership with the standing committee during the transition, 3) assembling a team of chaplains, and 4) assuring good communications.This month the focus of our diocese is upon saying “Vaya Con Dios” to Bishop and Terri Mathes. Your standing committee is busy multi-tasking, however, to assure a smooth transition. Standing committee teams are working on: 1) coordinating farewell events, 2) preparing to select a consultant who will guide us through the process and an assisting bishop who will share leadership with the standing committee during the transition, 3) assembling a team of chaplains, and 4) assuring good communications. Monthly updates are planned. By one month from now, there should be significant news to report, including a draft timetable for the process and information about how the search and nominations committee will be selected. While we need to bring our consultant on board before moving forward very far, we can assure you now of two key rules of life that will guide all our work: we will listen for the voice of the Spirit in your voices, assuring clear channels for communication both ways in all we do; and we will ground our work in prayer. In support of both, please continue to pray regularly for our community in Christ to be strengthened through the selection of our next bishop.
In the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, we are called to extend a spirit of hospitality, welcome, and connection within our congregations and beyond. The “Invite a Friend Sunday” season […]
If you have had the opportunity of having a deacon assigned to your Church, you may be familiar with the job of a deacon. If you are unfamiliar with a […]
As we approach this year’s Diocesan Convention, you are invited to prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to offer your gifts in service to our diocese by running for […]