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Reflections on the Electing Convention

These are a few reflections from people who participated in the electing convention for our fifth bishop.

The Rev. Mark McKone-Sweet, rector of St. Bartholomew’s, Poway, the site of the electing convention, writes: “I just arrived home and the rains began to pour down on San Diego. I feel the like I was showered by the Holy Spirit today. You? I ask because each of you on the diocesan staff were just awesome – you all worked so hard, gave so much of yourselves, you were humble and selfless, team players and problem solvers. The St Bart’s teams loves to work with you all – I described the relationship as strong dance partners. God’s will was done and the diocese will be stronger tomorrow because of today. It’s a privilege to serve Christ with you all.”

The Rev. Laura Sheridan-Campbell, DMin, director of formation and transition for the diocese, writes: “It was a joy and privilege to go through this day together. The excitement in the air was palpable. At communion, to watch the delegation and visitors come to be fed at the Table…the young and old, desert dwellers and urbanites, clergy and lay, some using walkers and canes while others carried newborn and held the hands of children, persons of many cultures and several tongues. We traveled from each and every church, mission and outpost that constitutes EDSD…so earnest and focused on our common task. Grateful for the hospitality of St. Bartholomew’s. We all had prepared for this moment, expressing unity through our work and worship. The Episcopal Church. Moreso the Body of Christ. All a we, no one a they. A little moment of God’s dream, as Bishop Katharine writes, realized.”

The Rev. Canon Nancy Holland, canon to the ordinary, writes: “What an amazing day! All kinds of happenings, people moving, prayers, Eucharist, songs and a new bishop is elected! This day is the result of a year and half of discernment, committee meetings, standing committee overtime and you, a staff with wisdom, grace and kindness.  Thank you one and all for a successful grace filled day.  Welcome, Bishop-Elect Susan Brown Snook!”

The Rev. Kirby Smith, diocesan treasurer and chief financial officer, writes: “I had the luxury of not being knee-deep in the preparations, so I was able to stand off a little at a distance and see the waltz (maybe a tango is a better metaphor) and yes, all had strong dance partners.  From the moment I stepped on the campus, there were endless offers to help and to guide, for which I am grateful.  St. Bartholomew’s is an amazing congregation. Many thanks for a wonderful day in a wonderful place.”

Ms. Linda Benning, lay delegate, writes: “The honor of being a lay delegate for the bishop electing convention was a mountain top experience for me. I am a cradle Episcopalian who, like many of us, have at times wavered in my faith and involvement with the church. After attending the November diocesan convention, serving on the Christ Church, Coronado vestry for the past two years, and really reconnecting over the last several years with what the Episcopal Church espouses, I am proud to be an Episcopalian in this Diocese of Fearless Love. The Holy Spirit was present with us at the electing convention and will guide us through whatever comes next. Welcome the Rev. Cn. Susan Brown Snook. We are blessed to have you with us.”


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Category: #Bishop Search, #Communications, #Convention, #Sundays

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