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Mission Real Estate Moves Forward

Directly on the heels of the enactment of California Senate Bill 4, In response to high levels of interest from congregations throughout the diocese, EDSD continues to pursue our goal of advancing how our faith communities can use real estate assets to support mission-related projects, such as affordable housing, early childhood programs, and senior services. 

EDSD is pleased to announce the hire of Jessica Ripper as Mission Real Estate Portfolio Manager for the diocese. In this role, Jessica will represent congregations and the diocese as they pursue real estate projects to ensure they stay engaged and informed throughout the predevelopment and construction phases. “I’m honored to be working with the diocese and our congregations to help them realize their visions for serving as vibrant centers of community life both within and beyond their walls,” said Jessica.  

With 25 years of experience across various sectors, Jessica’s work has focused on advancing policies, programs, and practices that create more just, inclusive, and healthy places for all people to live, work, learn, and play. She and her family worship at Good Samaritan Episcopal Church. “We are so glad to have someone of Jessica Ripper’s experience and qualifications to serve our congregations as they work to advance their missions and achieve long-term financial sustainability,” said Bishop Susan Brown Snook.  

The diocese continues to work closely with Trinity Wall Street and has applied for a grant from Trinity to assist in funding this work. Jessica Ripper will lead our Mission Real Estate task force’s 30-minute presentation on our work at Trinity Wall Street’s Gift of Place conference next month. 

Additionally, EDSD has signed a limited contract with LeSar Development Consultants to assist congregations with evaluating the possibilities that their unused land may hold to add to the financial vitality of congregations and also to enhance their mission. LeSar has a particularly strong background in working with affordable housing, which can range from housing for unsheltered to family and workforce housing for middle-income households.  


Category: #Service, #Stewardship

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One reply to “Mission Real Estate Moves Forward

  1. Susan Jester | on November 2, 2023

    That is FANTASTIC news! Yayyyyyy!!!!

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