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Diocesan Convention 2022

TLDR: Convention is Nov. 11-12. Nominations are open for elected positions.

Diocesan Convention returns to an in-person gathering for the first time in two years. On Friday, November 11, everyone can join Convention online for an evening of virtual presentations, a panel discussion, and workshops. On the morning of Saturday, November 12, elected delegates, clergy, and visitors will gather at St. Bartholomew’s in Poway to worship, learn, and discern together–reflecting on becoming a better people of God.

Diocesan Convention is the annual business meeting of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego and acts as the primary legislative body of the Diocese. It’s a time when clergy and laypeople from all over the diocese come together to vote on an annual budget, to elect officers, and hear reports of work from diocesan programs.

Each year at Diocesan Convention, the people and clergy of the diocese elect their representatives to serve in many different leadership capacities. Nominations for those positions are open now. God might be calling you to serve! These leadership groups are vital to the mission of our Diocese. Having a diverse team of leaders helps the Diocese make strategic, Christ-centered decisions.

At the time of her consecration, Bishop Susan set the diocese on a path of spiritual development: a year of discipleship, a year of evangelism, and a year of service. Being part of diocesan leadership is a wonderful way to grow in all three areas. If you feel called to one of these positions, you do not have to wait for someone to nominate you. Self-nomination is encouraged. Please consider running for one of these elected positions.

If you are interested in running for an elected office, click here.

General Convention Deputation! Every three years, each diocese in the Episcopal Church elects four clergy members, four lay people, and alternates to represent the diocese at General Convention. You can read reports from our most recent deputation in the EDSD News here.

Executive Council! Executive Council is responsible for implementing the Strategic Plan of the diocese. Currently, Executive Council is working on forming new worshiping communities, crafting affordable housing initiatives, working on peace and justice efforts, advocating for change, and implementing creation care objectives throughout the diocese. There are also Executive Council Committees that use their significant financial knowledge to support congregations in financial planning and stewardship. The Executive Council also takes care of diocesan properties. You can see that council makes use of a wide variety of people and their gifts. It’s a four-year term and meets virtually at a convenient time for the group. With virtual meeting space, no matter where you reside, you can participate in Executive Council. 

Standing Committee! The Standing Committee is the Bishop’s council of advice. It comprises four clergy, who are voting members of Convention, and four Lay members, who are communicants of the Church. The Standing Committee acts as the ecclesiastical authority when the bishop is absent or incapacitated. The powers, functions, and duties of the Standing Committee shall be those prescribed by the Constitution and· Canons of The Episcopal Church, and by the Constitution and Canons of this Diocese. Upon expiration of the member’s term, no person shall be eligible to serve as a member of the Standing Committee for a period of one year.

Disciplinary Board! The Disciplinary Board hears cases regarding the discipline of clergy as specified in accordance with Title IV of the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church. Members are elected for staggered three-year terms and may be re-elected for multiple terms.

Secretary of Convention! The Secretary takes the minutes for Diocesan Convention, certifies Deputies to General Convention, and performs other duties as listed in the Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego. The Secretary of Convention records the minutes and resolutions of the monthly Diocesan Executive Council meetings. The Secretary is elected for a one-year term and may be re-elected.

For up-to-date information, resolutions facing convention, important deadlines, the nominees for elected offices, and more, please visit www.conventionedsd.org


Category: #Convention

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