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Hurricane Harvey: How You Can Help

Episcopal Relief and Development (ER&D) offers the following suggestions:

Donate to the Hurricane Harvey Response Fund to support impacted dioceses as they meet the needs of their most vulnerable neighbors. (Please DON’T send food, clothing or other items! Donations such as these, which require storage, sorting and distribution, are a burden on relief workers.)

Sign-up on the Ready to Serve page to register as a possible volunteer in the future. These are the lists ER&D staff share with dioceses when they are ready to recruit external volunteers.

Read ER&D President Rob Radtke’s blog post on best response practices.

Clergy: Include ER&D’s bulletin insert (in English and en Español) in your Sunday bulletins.

Pray for all those affected by Hurricane Harvey, and get the latest program updates on Facebook, Twitter (@EpiscopalRelief) and the ER&D website.

O God, in you we find safety. We lift up to you your people being impacted by Hurricane Harvey, and ask you to gather them into the safety of your loving embrace. We ask also that your love for us all unite us and enable us to support our sisters and brothers who face this challenge. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


Category: #Advocacy, #Communications, #Outreach, #Sundays

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