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Fearless Love Grants Awarded

For the third year running, the diocese has awarded Fearless Love Grants to parishes working to spread the good news in new and creative ways  Thanks to the delegates at our 40th Annual Diocesan Convention who voted “yes,” the total funds available for grants increased from $5,000 to $20,000 for the year 2014.

This year, 17 grant requests were submitted from around the diocese totaling over $70,000. The Fearless Love Grants Committee is pleased to announce the following recipients and amounts awarded for innovative and, we pray, far-reaching success:

The process to apply and criteria for an award may be reviewed at the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego website, edsd.org/flgrants.

On behalf of the diocese, the committee extends its thanks and appreciation to all who submitted requests. It is exciting to see the many ways the Spirit is moving in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego!


Category: #Outreach

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