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Episcopal Refugee Network hires new executive director

We welcome new Episcopal Refugee Network (ERN) executive director, Jake Young. Mr. Young is taking over for Mr. Majur Malou who has moved back to Sudan to pursue a career as a pilot. ERN serves 1,500 families with only six staff members, so volunteers are always needed. If you live in close enough to volunteer in the North Park/City Heights area, please consider volunteering by driving kids to tutoring, serving as a tutor, helping with food distribution, and other jobs. There are great opportunities for churches to get involved by collecting home items, food, rice, furniture, etc. A fantastic way to learn about all the amazing work of the ERN is to attend the annual gala next Saturday, May 3, aboard the USS Berkeley. Find out more at their website: http://www.refugee-net.org/. Please contact Mr. Young to talk about ways your church can support the vital work of ERN: jby909@yahoo.com.


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