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Church Assessment Tool and Vital Signs

Dear Area Four Leaders,

This is a very exciting time for our congregations in the Diocese of San Diego, a time of transformational challenge and change. We are about the work of getting ready for action, but first, it is important to take a deep look in the mirror. winstrol dosage vox shows winny with an eye toward This is spiritual labor, an essential foundation in a process of gaining self awareness before making critical strategic decisions.

Your discernment team members hope to gather organizational information from every member of the six congregations in Area Four. The tool we will use has a long history and a proven track record of providing evidence-based insight. The Church Assessment Tool (CAT) helps leadership teams achieve clarity regarding the vitality, culture, critical success factors, and priorities of a congregation as seen through the eyes of members. The Vital Signs report brings these critical issues and patterns into view so that better decisions can be made.

The CAT is administered through an online service (Survey Monkey) and the Vital Signs report is automatically generated and will be available in an online downloadable version. The report will be interpreted in local congregational gatherings later this fall and the insight gained will be part of an Area Four retreat with Bishop Mathes and the discernment team on Saturday, November 15.

Working with Holy Cow Consulting, your discernment team will provide an electronic link to your congregation’s survey and all the communication tools needed to generate enthusiastic participation from the members of each parish. It is our plan to complete the CAT during October and provide interpretation of the Vital Signs report in early November.

In order to move forward, we need your help in providing a local congregational coordinator who can ensure that information regarding the CAT is disseminated through newsletters, bulletins and announcements. Each congregation will be provided a link to the CAT for posting on its website. Paper forms will be available for those who do not have computers. Wisdom comes from the whole body and every voice matters!

Please stay tuned for more information about the CAT. If you would like to learn more about it, please visit:www.holycowconsulting.com.

Many blessings,

Rebecca McClain, Jim Stiven & Mike Stone

The Discernment Team

Category: #Communications

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