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California Wildfires Message from Bishop Mathes

Dear Ones,

I want to share with you a letter Bishop Beisner has sent to the Diocese of Northern California. We know all too well the devastation of wildfires. It is my hope that we will respond to this latest environmental crisis with our generosity and our prayers. Please join me in reaching out to our brothers and sisters in Northern California. I bid your prayers also for the fire fighters and other first responders as they struggle to contain the fires, and to protect property and people.


The Rt. Rev. Jame R. Mathes


Fire Update from the Rt. Rev. Barry Beisner, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Dear Friends in Christ,

Please join me in holding in prayer all who are directly affected by the crisis caused by the fires burning in Northern California. Pray especially for those who have suffered loss and all who mourn. Pray for those who may have lost or had to leave livestock and pets behind. Pray for those who have had to evacuate, and for all whom this is a time of deep disruption and anxious uncertainty. Pray for our firefighters and emergency responders, especially those who have been injured.

Pray also for our clergy in the emergency areas, as they actively engage in crisis ministry. My staff and I are in close communication with them, and they are advising us how best to help and where best to direct the contributions that are now being made to the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund. I will share what I learn with you.

May the grace and peace of Christ, together with His compassion and power to save, be known everywhere these fires are felt, and in the hearts of all His people.

Yours in Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner

If you wish to donate funds for support in these recovery efforts, please make a check out to: Episcopal Diocese of Northern California or EDNC and mail to The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California, c/o Accounts Receivable, 350 University Avenue, Suite 280, Sacramento, CA 95825. Important: Please include “Bishop’s Discretionary Fund – Fire”in the memo line.


Category: #Bishop's Blog

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