God weeps when his children destroy each other. Sibling rivalry has been with us since Cain and Abel, and we will have no peace until we learn that we are loved beyond imagining – as are all God’s people.
The tree of life is an ancient image of interconnection. The members of this suffering Pittsburgh synagogue profess that truth.
Episcopalians across the Diocese of San Diego join them in their grief and in the belief that God intends us to dwell in peace together.
Pray for those who have died in Pittsburgh, for those who have been injured, and for all who have hate in their hearts. Pray, and do the little works of love and righteousness that will ultimately bring that dream of peace to reality.
Tijuana has long been a crossroads for migrants from rural areas of Mexico, including indigenous groups and impoverished farming communities. Every year, families from across the country arrive at the […]
My Oklahoma grandfather was one of ten siblings who grew up on a small cotton farm outside of the tiny town of Temple, Oklahoma. As they grew up, they went […]
On October 27, St. Mary’s in-the-Valley Episcopal Church hosted a lively “Invite-a-Friend Sunday” along with a mini-ministry fair. This special event was part of a broader Episcopal Diocese of San […]