We had two tremendous speakers at our Summer Summit to educate us about the horrors of human trafficking — a huge issue here in San Diego. With these afternoon sessions, the information is too detailed to encapsulate in these meeting notes. You really need to be there! I am sharing several links here as well as contact info for our two speakers. If you’d like to invite them to speak at your church, please contact them.
Donald Stump, Executive Director of North County Lifeline; dstump@nclifeline.org
Kathi Hardy, Founder and Executive Director of Freedom from Exploitation and Survivors of the Streets; ffexploitation@sbcglobal.net
Churches Against Trafficking: http://www.churchesagainsttrafficking.com/
Bilaterial Safety Corridor Coalition: http://www.bsccoalition.org/
Generate Hope: http://generatehope.org/
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: http://www.missingkids.com/home
Abolish Human Trafficking (PNLU): http://www.abolishhumantrafficking.com/about-us/
Churches can help victims by providing emergency backpacks to North County Lifeline – please see the attached flyer.
There are also some assembly bills coming up that are important to support. I’ll share that info once I get it. January is Human Trafficking Awareness month and there will be a street fair in San Diego on Jan 21, 2017. I’ll pass along details when I get them.
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