Planned gifts ensure that the mission of the diocese has an impact for decades to come. Many donors have included the diocese in their will. If you have not already made your will, we encourage you to begin your legacy planning with this guide provided by the Episcopal Church Foundation. If you already have a will, a brief conversation with your professional advisor may be all you need to add a charitable gift to the diocese in your will.
You can support the diocese by making a bequest under your will and trust. Such bequests will not be recorded as gifts to the diocese until such time as the gift is irrevocable. This may also offer a reduction of estate and inheritance taxes. Our development office is happy to help you build a legacy for our tradition by remembering the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego in your estate planning. Click here to find other ways to give to the diocese. Contact Jason Evans, Canon for Mission at or (619) 481-5451 for assistance after consulting with your professional advisor.