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World Water Day Collaborative Project

The Diocesan Service Coalition invites all churches to participate in the water collaborative project. They are extending the deadline to allow more churches to participate. They are asking churches to host fundraisers to help build a clean water well system in a developing part of the world via Episcopal Relief and Development.

This project began at St. John’s, Chula Vista, which raised $870 last summer.

Several churches held water drives over Lent:

St. Mark’s, San Diego raised $1,221
St. Paul’s Cathedral: $2,650
Christ Church: $2,100

St. James, La Jolla and St. John’s, Fallbrook anticipate raising $500 each. Good Samaritan, University City is holding its drive on Father’s Day. St. Philip’s, Lemon Grove; St. David’s, Clairemont, and St. John’s, Indio, are also participating!

The coalition hopes to purchase two wells at $5,000 per well with all of our churches pulling together. What an incredible example of the Diocesan Service Coalition firing on all cylinders. If you are hosting a drive, please let me know: sarah.a.shealy@gmail.com.

Send a single check from your church payable to: EDSD to Canon Julie Young at:

The Office of the Bishop
Attn: Julie Young
2083 Sunset Cliffs Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92107

Canon Young will combine all the funds and write one check from the diocese to Episcopal Relief & Development for the wells. Let’s shoot to have all money collected by July 1, 2014. Thank you!


Category: #Outreach

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