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We Believe… The Journey of Confirmation

Confirmation is a significant moment in a teenager’s spiritual journey and an essential rite of passage in the life of many churches. This sacrament provides an opportunity for young people to deepen their faith, explore their beliefs, and commit to a personal relationship with God. Through the confirmation process, teenagers engage in self-reflection, prayer, and study to better understand their faith and the role of the church in their lives. While learning about the history and traditions of the Episcopal Church, they also develop a sense of community and connection with their fellow confirmands. Ultimately, confirmation is not just about receiving a sacrament but about affirming one’s personal commitment to Christ and continuing to grow in faith beyond the teenage years.

On Sunday, April 23rd, the 12 students who participated in We Believe, a collaborative confirmation program, laced up their sneakers and climbed Black Mountain in Rancho Penasquitos. These students hiked the four-mile trail as the final piece of their confirmation journey; a journey that was different for each of them. 

Throughout Lent, the students engaged with the book My Faith, My Life, by Jennifer Gamber and participated in a weekly Zoom meeting and several in-person gatherings. The confirmands came together in person for the kick-off meeting at Christ Church, NightWatch at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, a trip to a bead store and the beach hosted by St. Andrew’s By-The-Sea, and this final hike where students considered where God was calling them next.

As is true with every confirmation journey, it is a personal experience. Here are three personal reflections from students about their confirmation experience in We Believe

“This confirmation program offered such a beautiful and creative experience. One of my favorite parts was when every participant got to string their own Anglican Rosary, picking out our own beads together and visiting the beach afterward. We each got a chance to learn how to express ourselves through our love for Christ and were given the tools to learn even more about Him, as well as growing our relationships with Him and each other. I was a bit hesitant to do this program at first, but it turned out to be something more special than I ever thought it would be.” Cassidy – Christ Church Coronado

“The confirmation program allowed me to connect more deeply with peers in my faith journey. It was interesting to learn more about my Christian faith and the Episcopal traditions. I would encourage Episcopal teens who are interested in deepening their faith to participate in the confirmation program.” – Jackson – St. Bartholomew’s Poway

I was grateful to take the time each week to pause and reflect on the impact of God in my life as well the impact of my actions on others— all while making fun connections with other people my age.” – Annika – St. Paul’s Cathedral

I found so much joy in partnering with leaders from around our diocese to offer this confirmation program to students. Sharing the facilitation of the weekly classes diversified and deepened the program while reducing the time commitment from leaders. I deeply felt the Holy Spirit moving as the students drew closer to God and to each other. 

If you would like more information on this program, and how you can connect students to it next year, please contact the Director for Formation, Charlette Preslar (me!), at cpreslar@edsd.org. Next year’s program will kick off on Sunday, February 18th, and run through the season of Lent.


Category: #Worship & Formation, #Youth, Children, & Families

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