Trinity Episcopal Church in Escondido has had two months full of activity in their garden with the help of great crews. The majority of ground plots are finished, complete with nutrient-rich compost. Crews have worked hard to clear out other areas for future fruit trees as well. Areas are prepped for above ground boxes that will be rented for $50 per year and are available to anyone who may have difficulty working in the ground spaces. One ground box will be reserved for educational purposes.
Decomposed granite was obtained by generous parishioners to help deter weeds. One load has been spread and two more will be delivered to complete the project. Local Boy Scout troops will provide picnic tables, porta potty enclosures, and hand washing stations as well as at least five above ground garden boxes. Trinity gives their special thanks to Troop 649 for their generous help in planning, providing supplies, raising money, and finding labor. Look out for future fundraising events for this wonderful project.
This story was adapted from an article in the January 2018 edition of Trinity’s Newsletter, People of God.
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