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New Diocesan Ministry Partner

New Diocesan Ministry Partner for Episcopal Relief & Development

The Diocese of San Diego and Episcopal Relief & Development are proud to announce Meredith L. Hardy, MSW, J.D., as the new Diocesan Ministry Partner.

Episcopal Relief & Development facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives in communities struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease – areas where few others go and even fewer remain for the long haul. Working with Anglican Communion and local community partners around the world, Episcopal Relief & Development delivers results that are lasting and sustainable.

As Diocesan Ministry Partner, Meredith will recruit, mentor and support Congregational Ministry Partners, creating a community that is a beacon of God’s love in neighborhoods near and far. Meredith will work with clergy and other leadership in the diocese to identify possible Congregational Ministry Partners and to make sure that people have the most up-to-date information and resources from Episcopal Relief & Development.

A former clinical social worker and attorney, Meredith worked as a family law and nonprofits attorney, mediator, Superior Court pro tem Judge, Adjunct Professor and Masters of Counseling Programs Director for a Seattle university. An active member of St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, Meredith is a graduate of EfM, as well as a Eucharistic Minister, Co-Chair of the Living Without Fear Ministry, pro bono legal counsel and former Vestry member. She has also been the Episcopal Relief & Development Congregational Partner at St. Margaret’s. She was a member of the Bishop’s Transition Team 2018-2019 and is currently a member of the Commission on Ministry and the new Diocesan Mediation Team. She is honored to have been appointed by Bishop Susan to the role of Diocesan Ministry Partner.

Episcopal Relief & Development is blessed by Meredith’s compassionate ministry. Please contact her at mlh8108@gmail.com to find out more on how your community can be part of working together for lasting change.



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