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Holy Week Resources

The world has changed since COVID-19 has become a household word. State-wide stay-at-home orders have resulted in most of our gatherings and worship services being canceled, postponed or moved to unfamiliar formats. While following the social distancing guidelines to protect the vulnerable has been a sacrifice that we have been willing to make, the decision to do so has left many of us bereft- especially as we approach Holy Week- a time usually filled with beautiful services, and beloved traditions.


In an effort to allow us to participate in the transformational experiences of Holy Week despite the restrictions on gathering in our communities, we are pleased to provide a thoughtfully curated collection of resources for use by adults and families with kids of all ages- all of which can be done from home! Your friends at Faith-to-Go and the diocesan staff have put together a robust offering of activities, liturgies, prayers and more, designed to deepen our devotion as we follow Christ’s journey from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection. I invite you to celebrate this time with us, even though we are unable to gather in person. I hope you will be inspired and renewed during Holy Week as we look forward to resurrection, healing and new life ahead!


-Christian Gillette, Canon for Evangelism and Discipleship




“Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” Celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem with your loved ones at home. EDSD and the Faith-To-Go team have curated resources for families with children aged 0-4families with kids age 5-10families with kids age 11-18, Additional Palm Sunday resources are available for adults of all ages, in both English and Spanish, with downloadable versions in English and Spanish.




Maundy Thursday commemorates Jesus’ last supper and the initiation of Holy Communion, in addition to his giving of the greatest commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you”.” Honor this special day at home with these resources for families with children aged 0-4families with kids age 5-10families with kids age 11-18. You will also find resources for adults of all ages in Spanish and English here, with downloadable versions in Spanish and English.




The day of Jesus’ crucifixion which we call Good Friday, is both solemn and profound. Observe this special day at home with your loved ones with these resources for families with children aged 0-4, families with kids age 5-10families with kids age 11-18, or resources for adults of all ages in Spanish and English, with downloadable versions in Spanish and English here.  Stations of the Cross video here.




Taking a moment to focus on the in-betweenness of Holy Saturday can help us deepen our understanding of waiting, of suffering, and eventually- of resurrection. Resources are available for families with children aged 0-4, families with kids age 5-10families with kids age 11-18, and additional resources for adults of all ages will help us lean into this uncomfortable, yet holy day of anticipation.




You are invited to join Bishop Susan Brown Snook on Easter Sunday morning for a diocesan-wide Easter celebration, featuring contributions from across the diocese of San Diego. This service will be streamed online at www.edsd.org and on the EDSD YouTube channel at 10:00am! Additional Easter Sunday resources for families will be available on the Faith-To-Go website, on Monday April 6. Come celebrate the risen Christ with us!

Category: #Evangelism, #Outreach, #Sundays, #Uncategorized, #Youth, Children, & Families

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