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Happening 60

As a parent of two teenage boys, I am grateful for another great Happening weekend. We are so blessed in our diocese to have adults (Alex and Greg Tuttle) who are committed to this weekend and all our youth programs.

When my two boys want to participate in church activities, I am happy.

When they come back from them and tell me that their faith is strengthened and their community of friends and believers is strong, honestly I want to weep.

I am so proud of my son, Gabe, who gave a talk at the retreat. His talk came from the heart. I am grateful that the Happening weekend inspired him and provided the environment that allowed him to feel comfortable enough to share.

Gabe has been working to get as many Cathedral teens as possible involved in Happening–and I was so happy to see so many of them there. He is very persistent. And now they are all thanking him! What a great weekend. Photos


Category: #Youth, Children, & Families

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