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Formation Events ‘23-24

I have always loved August. The preparations for Back to School have carried me from my childhood, well into my adult life. It is a time not only for purchasing pencils and notebooks but for investing in dreams. It is a season where anything feels possible.

One of my favorite things to purchase for Back to School is a calendar, a real, paper calendar. All of my appointments and commitments are in the calendar app on my phone and computer too, but there is something glorious about a paper calendar. Electronic calendars are for meetings and requirements. Paper calendars are for choosing and committing to the things that we want for the year ahead.

Those feelings and associations have carried over into my ministry world. Designing children, youth, and intergenerational offerings requires paper and pencils… and possibly highlighters and sticky notes. It is good, joyful, and Holy work, and I love it!

Below are the planned offerings for Children and Youth this program year. I invite you to pour over them, share them with your families and your congregations, and add them to your calendar, paper or otherwise.

EDSD Youth Ministry Program Calendar ‘23-24

The theme for this year’s EDSD Youth Ministry Program comes from Micah 6:8, He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? We will explore each section of this reading at one of the primary events this year. Diocesan youth programing is for students in grades 6-12.

9/17 KICK-OFF EVENT – Fun and games with youth from around the diocese. Location announcement coming soon!

11/11 CONVENTIONDo Justice – Youth will support a service project for Veteran’s at this year’s diocesan convention being held at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

2/9 – 2/11 EPIPHANY RETREATLove Kindness – A weekend retreat at Camp Stevens where we will explore what it means to show kindness to ourselves and to others. 

2/18 – 3/24 WE BELIEVE… CONFIRMATION PROGRAM – We Believe is a diocesan-wide, hybrid confirmation program for youth in grades 9-12 utilizing the My Faith, My Life curriculum. This program will last 6 weeks, and participants will be eligible to be confirmed at their home congregation during the next visit from Bishop Susan or during The Great Vigil at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. All of the sessions that are scheduled to be in person will also be offered on Zoom.

3/16 – 3/17 NIGHTWATCHWalk Humbly – This annual overnight Lenten journey is taking a weekend pilgrimage to the desert this year! 

6/1 PENTECOST PLAY DAY – Our program year wrap up complete with sailing, games, hot dogs and s’mores!

EDSD Children’s Ministry Program Calendar

1/13-1/14 EPIPHANY CAMP @ CAMP STEVENS (grades 3-6) – Together we will bring together Summer Camp, Vacation Bible School, and children from all over our diocese for this brand new offering. Registration will open in September for this program. 

4/27 INTERGENERATIONAL CREATION CARE PLAY DAY – In collaboration with the Creation Care Community, this offering will take place in several areas of our diocese. Participants will engage with activities, crafts, and educational elements as we consider how all people are called to care for God’s creation.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL CURRICULUM 2024 – The theme for next year’s curriculum is Shout for Joy! This entirely free curriculum will explore the psalms through art, drama, and music. More information and registration for the curriculum role out will be available in Advent.


Category: #Worship & Formation, #Youth, Children, & Families

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