While delivering Blessings in a Bag, which are lunch sacks filled with food, to a throng of homeless folks in downtown San Diego, I turned the corner with eight bags to see at least 16 people sitting along the sidewalk. Feeling the need to proceed, I apologized for not having enough for all and asked them to please share. One man quickly exclaimed, “Wow! It’s food!” They passed around the bags so each could have something to enjoy. Another homeless women said, “This is a wonderful thing you are doing and we do appreciate it.”
As I walked back to my car feeling like I had done something worthwhile but needed to do more, a lovely, well-dressed woman approached me and handed me $10 saying, “Whatever you’re doing, I would like to contribute to it.” I told her that would feed 10 additional people the next time because of her donation. She gave me a big smile and said, “Thank you for letting me help, too.” I proceeded to tell this story to everyone I connected with that afternoon. They seemed happier just hearing my story.
Paying it forward really does work. I marvel at how simple it is to put a smile on people’s faces and warm their hearts.
I am grateful to my church, All Souls’, Point Loma, for the outreach programs large and small in which we can participate. They make me a better person. +
My favorite part of recording Faith to Go each week is getting to talk about the Gospel with a friend, but talking about scripture hasn’t always come easily to me. […]
Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 In December 2024, Bishop Susan Brown Snook joined fellow faith leaders in Arizona […]
If you find yourself at the corner of 30th and Gunn Streets in North Park on a Sunday morning, you are likely to hear the unmistakable sound of joy. The […]