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Advent Message

As we approach the season of Advent, a time of reflection, anticipation, and hope, my heart is full of gratitude and a spirit filled with excitement. At our 50th Anniversary celebration, we reflected on the history of our diocese. One thing stood out to me as we reminisced on our past: Episcopalians have accomplished great things in the face of many challenges. From shipwrecks to fires, our predecessors in this diocese have overcome adversities, shared the Good News of Christ, and set the foundation for the Diocese of San Diego. Today, more than ever, we embody Courageous Love in this diocese. Despite pandemic challenges and changing societal trends, our faith remains vibrant. We are bold in discerning God’s vision for us and courageous in putting it into action.  

Advent is of profound significance in the Christian calendar, as it marks the beginning of the liturgical year and reminds us of the anticipation and preparation for the birth of our Savior. This Advent, I am filled with profound gratitude for the incredible faith and resilience demonstrated by our Episcopal community here in our diocese. In the face of every challenge, we have shown unwavering support for one another and our neighbors. We have adapted to new ways of ministry, demonstrating the strength of our faith community. Our commitment to living out the Gospel message has been a source of inspiration. 

This season, I am reminded of the words of Isaiah: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light has shined” (Isaiah 9:2, NRSV). We are called to be the light in the darkness, to bring hope to those who are despairing, and to offer love to those who are hurting. This Advent, we have a special opportunity to continue shining that light and making a difference in our community.  

Our church stands out in today’s individualized world by honoring the divine in every person and spreading God’s love in all aspects of life. We believe in Christ’s enduring good news, capable of transforming communities, serving neighbors, and healing society. It is our turn to lay the foundation for the next 50 years. To achieve this, we need your support for Courageous Love.  

Our goal is to raise $2.5 million to shape the future of the Episcopal Church in our region. The Courageous Love campaign aims to strengthen congregations, serve neighbors, and grow the Church. These areas of emphasis reinforce each other, creating a ripple effect of positive impact. Serving neighbors leads to new congregants, addressing the housing crisis generates income for our congregations, and gaining new members ensures future leaders for our church.   

Here are some exciting ministries we can accomplish with your help:  


We’ll teach evangelism and community engagement practices to our existing congregations; develop discipleship in younger generations by supporting congregations with children and youth ministries and starting new campus ministries; plant new churches across our high-growth area; and develop new multi-cultural ministries in congregations.   


We’ll develop new leadership and provide financial support for ordained and lay leadership training; provide mission and evangelism grants for bold visions in congregations; and support our churches in developing unused real estate to support their finances and ministries.  


We’ll make a difference to our neighbors through missional use of real estate, support our congregations in their outreach ministries through service and evangelism grants; and support visionary diocesan service projects.   

We invite you to join us in answering God’s call to mission by supporting the Courageous Love campaign with a three-year pledge. A three-year pledge allows you to prayerfully consider making a meaningful commitment above your regular contributions to the diocese. It additionally assists the diocese in making long-term plans for our future.  

Join us in this plan that calls for Courageous Love. To commit to the campaign, please visit our diocesan website at edsd.org/courageous-love or text “GIVE” to (833) 256-6475. May this Advent season be a time of renewed hope and anticipation for all of us. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior, let us also prepare to be instruments of God’s love in the world. With heartfelt thanks and blessings to you and your loved ones.


Category: #Bishop's Blog, #Uncategorized

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