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Christian formation is the lifelong process of growth and development in the Christian faith. It encompasses the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and moral aspects of a person’s life as they seek to deepen their relationship with God and live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

At its core, Christian formation involves nurturing and cultivating a personal relationship with God through prayer, worship, and study of the Bible. We seek a deeper understanding of Christian beliefs, doctrines, and values, and a way to integrate them into our daily life. Christian formation is not simply acquiring knowledge; it is the transformation of one’s heart, character, and actions in alignment with the teachings of Christ.

For Me

You are invited to explore the significance of personal formation in your Christian journey. Discover resources, reflections, and practices that can shape your character, values, and beliefs. From cultivating a vibrant prayer life to engaging in meaningful Bible study, you can embark on a transformative process of becoming more like Christ in your thoughts, attitudes, and actions.

For My Family

We celebrate the pivotal role of Christian formation in your family life. Explore insights on raising godly children and nurturing strong relationships built on biblical principles. This section emphasizes the importance of creating a home that reflects the love, grace, and truth of Christ, fostering an environment where each family member can thrive and grow in their relationship with God.

For My Community

We recognize the power of Christian formation within the broader context of community life. Join fellow believers to worship, learn, serve, and support one another. Explore the transformative potential of engaging in acts of compassion and justice, cultivating authentic relationships within your neighborhoods and churches. 

Formation Events

The Formation Calendar is your comprehensive guide to all diocesan formation offerings. Designed to keep you connected and informed, this section shows all the enriching events happening across our diocese and provides an avenue for you to submit your own formation event for inclusion. Dive in to discover opportunities that resonate with your spiritual journey and contribute by sharing events that benefit our wider community.

If you would like your formation event listed on the Diocesan Calendar and advertised as a Diocesan-wide offering, please fill out the form found here and Charlette Preslar, Director of Formation, will be in contact with you.

Formation Events


Stories of Formation

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Invite a Friend to Church Season

Is “Invite a Friend to Church” an actual season on the Church calendar? No, but Bishop Susan is inviting all our congregations to participate in a month-long season of inviting […]


Why did you enroll in EFM?

Every year, we begin the Education for Ministry year with our mentor asking us why we enrolled in EfM, and there are many different answers.  Some people have said they […]

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EfM to Me

When I started EfM seven years ago, I wanted to know more about the Bible—specifically, the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. I had been involved in many Bible studies over the years, […]

Formation Leader’s Corner

This area of our website is dedicated to formation leaders. Recognizing the pivotal role leaders play in guiding and nurturing our community, we’ve curated a selection of valuable resources and pertinent information tailored specifically to assist you in your mission. Please note that this area is password-protected to ensure the confidentiality and exclusivity of the content provided. Please reach out to Charlette Preslar, Director of Formation for the password for this area of the website. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Leader’s Corner

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