As a response to The Episcopal Church Sacred Ground series and more recent LARK trainings, several EDSD congregations among others across the country have discussed the importance of honoring the First People whose sacred land was stolen from them. Some have composed a land acknowledgment; some have gone beyond a land acknowledgment to learn more about the country’s and church’s checkered past to find ways to grow in relationship with our Indigenous siblings and learn how to be in solidarity with them.
With Sarah Augustine’s The Land is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery comes opportunity through a virtual book study.
“If insight is the prophetic task – and I believe it is – this book is prophecy. Beautifully weaving together her moving personal narrative, the narrative of destructive colonization, the narrative of courageous resistance and life of Indigenous Peoples around the world, and, through it all, the narrative of resurrection and Jesus’ promise of the world to come, Sarah Augustine engages your mind, your heart, and your future.”
The Most Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Canada.
Author Sarah Augustine, a Pueblo (Tewa) descendant, is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery The book study will be moderated by members of EDSD congregations who share a desire to follow a path in relationship and advocacy with our Indigenous neighbors. For more information, contact or register below.