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Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. The forty day season is a time of reflection, prayer, penance and meditation. It concludes with the celebration of Easter.

As we give up those things that keep us from God and commit to live in a way that makes more room for God to enter into our lives, God is always right there with us.

Lenten Resources

Resources, meditations and study guides for experiencing a reflective Lenten season are available from the Episcopal Church.

Episcopal Relief & Development: Lenten Meditations materials include booklets in English and Spanish, a bulletin insert, prayer card, bookmark and hope chest. Order soon to ensure materials arrive by Ash Wednesday.

Lenten Blessings Coupon Book: This coupon book was written and produced by the Lake Missoula Clericus, the Episcopal clergy serving the parishes of Northwest Montana. Every Monday through Sunday during Lent, count your blessings and share out of your abundance with the poor, victims of natural disasters, and people distressed by war. Your participation will help ERD respond to global needs.

Society of St. John the Evangelist: Journey through Lent with the SSJE as the monks help us to stop, pray, work, play and love. Brother Gregory, in particular, is passionate about helping people with their sense of time and achieving balance.

Lent Madness: A fun way to learn more about our saints and to interact with Episcopalians – and others – throughout Lent. Each day, read two saints’ biographies, and vote for your favorite. The most popular saint wins the coveted Golden Halo.

World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Water Network: A Lenten course titled “Seven Weeks for Water: The Blue Economy.”

Eco-Palms: harvesters gather only quality palm fronds in a way that allows the plant to keep growing.

Carbon Fast: Beginning Ash Wednesday and throughout Lent, participants will receive a daily email with the day’s suggested carbon-reducing activity.

Also find an ongoing conversation about Lent and other seasons of the year on the Episcopal Church Facebook page.

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