Our diocese is ever expanding its consciousness with regard to the environment and caring for God’s creation. We invite you to join our growing network of environmentally mindful congregations and resources!
Now, more than ever, members of our church are ready, willing and able to put their belief into action and practice as stewards of our environment.
If you would like to be in touch with congregations already putting faith into practice as stewards of our environment by protecting natural resources, reducing energy use and costs and engaging communities and youth in these efforts, please contact Phil Petrie, (619) 298-0464.
You can view our Energy Efficiency Program here.
Environmental Justice: What can you do?
- Buy cloth shopping bags for grocery shopping and keep them in your car. This will help keep plastic out of landfills and save trees. You will get store credit at some stores.
- Buy local produce and products that do not need to be transported long distances. This helps to cut down on emissions.
- Do not buy bottled water because of the excess of plastic. Fill up with reusable containers or install a water filter in your faucet.
- Buy your food in bulk. It is usually cheaper and packaging is minimal.
- Compost your kitchen wastes. The soil in San Diego can use it.
- Buy products that pay living wages to those producing them and that practice environmentally safe production processes, like Bishop’s Blend Coffee.
- Carpool or take the bus to reduce emissions.
- Do an energy assessment for your house and replace conventional bulbs with compact flourescent.
This website has resources for creating environmental justice. It is a group of over 460 congregations, including several in our diocese, working on issues of environmental justice, such as global warming.
An interfaith network of creation care ministries and congregations throughout San Diego that shares event information, advocacy work and networking events. The environmental crisis is an opportunity to work for a better future, one that is both more sustainable and more in line with our common religious principles.