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Executive Council Meets and Retreats

The Executive Council is the governing body of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego. It makes decisions regarding everything from human resources and property to ministry and mission initiatives. Fourteen members of the council met at Camp Stevens in Julian for a two-day retreat on Friday, March 1 and Saturday, March 2. Bishop Mathes gave an overview of the components of diocesan ministry and the new Congregational Vitality Plan. The Rev. Canon Suzann V. Holding spoke about the distinctions among parishes, missions, mission action parishes and aided parishes. Mr. Mike Collier reported on the diocesan Mutual Ministry Review, while Ms. Pauline Getz spoke clearly about the legal and corporate responsibilities for council members. She elaborated on legal requirements as board of director members who are subject to state, church and diocesan law. Canon Julie Young explained the budget and financial reporting procedures.

The group met at the diocesan camp, Camp Stevens, where they enjoyed healthy meals and brisk weather. Each person brought an object to share with the group that gave others a sense of who they are as people. People brought objects and shared about their work, family and vocations.

A healthy discussion of the resolutions before them occupied most of Saturday morning and the retreat wrapped up with a closing Eucharist at 2:30 p.m.

Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/edsd/sets/72157632893202435/


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